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Posts posted by lorenzo_lucas

  1. <p>hi..well for slides i dont have experience but with C-41 i develop a lot a films every week.well the developer its 3min15 for normal and 30 sec for every ASA Push,for exemple 400 film pushed to 800 will be 3min45 sec, than bleach will be 6min45,3min15 water,6min45 fixer and water again plus stabilizer..this is for regulars films with cinema films i've been developing with only 2min15sec with amazing results.</p>
  2. <p>hi guys..<br>

    i was making some grain tests from my scanners and enlarger,and decided to share with you guys.<br>

    i know a lot of you prefer to scan your photos instead of use the enlarger process,i know its not everyone who has a enlarger in home and its a lot easy to use a scanner but one thing is true..the quality of a enlarger is soooooo better than a scanner,maybe a drum scanner...but anyway i made a photo test,here we use cm to measure but i guess is something around 24x60 inches photo and in my enlarger i had the best photo,very low grain great sharpenning and real color,and the other 2 photos was made one with my coolscan V and the other with my minolta 5400..in my opinion the minolta was really close to the enlarger.. what do you guys think?<br>

    by the way the film used was superia 800.<br>


  3. <p>it's not good to mix used chemicals to new,because they might become too strong,thats why we usually need a starter to make the chemicals just right and usually you'll need to replenisher to old with new after each use,well al least its what i do..i use kodak,what chemicals are you using?</p>
  4. <p>thats a great idea.the good thing about having a BW darkoom is that you dont need an large place to set your darkroom,some people use the bathroom,altough i dont think is a good idea because of the smell but anyway,you are going to love the BW darkroom,i have one myself also a color darkroom either and i usually spend very precious moments there developing my photos,and i believe are you will going to do that too. i always say that optics prints has this glamour,just like that picture of st pauls cathedral,its outstanding. do it and for sure you're going to love it. </p>
  5. <p>yes i agree with you.i have a question..how much did you pay for those kits??tetenal or rollei??its strange because here the fuji chemicals are more expensive than kodak,but you are right about the kodak chemicals are now made by fujihunt..strange thing.but here its pretty cheap the kodak chemicals..its like 60 dollars for 10liters of developer 10liters of bleach and the developers start.</p>
  6. <p>yes,its something like that...about the chemicals,it really goes bad if you dont use them,that why everyday i agitate them and put a photo inside just for use a little,and at least from now its still good but of course i always put replenisher to keep them new.about the prices here its about the same..thats why i think is still better do it myself because instead spend 11 dollar in prints plus develop i save around 7 dollars per film.sounds like a great deal but like you said..we have always to keep the chemicals working otherwise they will go bad.</p>
  7. <p>hi Guys..first of all i'd like to say that my english is not that good,so please try to understand.<br>

    i know that today's digital world is advancing real fast BUT i always say that film cannot die,and will not if the people continue to shooting and developing.i'm seeing in a lot of places that most of the people shoot in film then scan the film,i know that is much simple but is not the better way to see best photos...and i was thinking that maybe scan is the only way because a lot of people doesnt have a color darkroom in home, and maybe has a darkroom but only for BW,and i thought why not develop color photos..its not that hard,not expensive and anyone can do....i came from a family that since my great grandfather was a photographer,then my grandfather,my father,brother and i.and i learn when i was 14 year old to develop and processing color photos...then this lab was down for a few years and recently was back on work again. and is really awesome,i'm developing one of the best photos of my life.i only use chemicals and paper by kodak,which is by far the best,nothing against fuji,beacuse usually i use fuji films and develop in kodak..but some of you might say...kodak doesnt have cut sheets anymore,only fuji has(and others)kodak only in rolls. but if you think,it is much cheaper then cut sheets and we can cut the sheet in any size that we want.we only have to use a guillotine.(i'm sharing some photos of my guillotine and darkroom.)<br>




    <a href="http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=nnk1t3&s=4">http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=nnk1t3&s=4</a><a href="http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ne92pw&s=4"><br /></a><br>


    another question that i usually see in forums,is how to keep the chemicals hot(100F)..i bought temperature controler and two water heater connected on each other,and both heaters connected on the temperature controler.(i know that a lot of people know all the things i said but maybe someone is new to photography and doesnt know how to set a color darkroom).<br>

    well my point here is to help people who wants or have curiosity on how to develop color photos,you'll see how great it is,and also to keep our art alive..we cannot let this art call photography die. if anyone wants to ask anything be my guest....and once again i dont know if anything that i wrote was right (english speaking) because english is not my language but i've tried my best.<br>

    i hope you guys like as much as i did.</p>

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