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Everything posted by phil_olson

  1. Black and white foggy hanging mugs
  2. phil_olson

    Foggy hanging mugs

    mugs hanging in the fog.
  3. Foggy mugs in black and white.
  4. phil_olson

    Coffe Mugs Fogged Out

    Rainy day so I am practicing still life.
  5. A dirt road with curved and tall walls.
  6. A unique and brightly painted building in Hamburg, IA.
  7. A view from the bluffs in Iowa to the fields below.
  8. phil_olson

    A Unique Perspective

    A unique perspective of a large dead tree.
  9. A downed tree on the benches.
  10. A black and white from ground level.
  11. phil_olson

    From Ground Level

    A picture of a trail at Waubonsie from ground level.
  12. phil_olson

    Okay Sign Tree

    A tree giving the okay sign.
  13. The top of the tree entryway to the cabins.
  14. A tree showing a unique design like it is giving the okay.
  15. phil_olson

    Birds Away

    Birds flying out in droves from the grass along the road.
  16. phil_olson

    Black and White

    Black and white of the tall grass and building
  17. tall grass with a building in the background
  18. The bright white tops of the grass with a small stream in the background.
  19. phil_olson

    Tall Grass

    Tall prairie grass with amazingly bright white tops!
  20. A black and white of a Harley headlight
  21. phil_olson

    Old Bottles

    Old bottles of pop with a reflection added in photoshop.
  22. phil_olson

    On Display

    A black and white of on display vintage wear
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