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Image Comments posted by stephenfenech

    Towering Cranes


    This container terminal, situated not far from were I live, has undergone various structural

    changes since this image was taken. Comments and critiques will be greatly appreciated.

    For Sale I


    Hi Bryon,

    First of all many thanks for taking the time to view 'For Sale'. Sincere apologies for taking some time to reply. It was good to hear that you are of Maltese origin. I actually live in Birzebbuga in the south of Malta. Its amazing how, in spite of its small size, this fishing village offers quite a few photographic oportunities.



    Taken from the outside of my house while my daughter Leah was standing behind the front

    door. Comments and critiques will be greatly appreciated.




    The colours and subject on this image are beautiful, however the only thing that seems to ruin it is the 'out of focus branch' appearing on the foreground (left hand side) of this photograph. This can easily be deleted on Photoshop without leaving any traces of editing.

    Little Child


    A photograph of my daughter Leah - once again, utilising sunlight coming through the front

    door to my house. Taken in colour but converted to grayscale in PS.


    Thank you very much Fred for the comments submitted. I totally agree with your views. After taking several similar shots, the boys started to lose patience and so hence the look on their faces. Add to this, the sun on their faces was getting to be rather annoying. A couple of minutes earlier, they were laughing their heads off at my attempts to get them to settle down!!!



    This photograph of my two sons was taken at home using sun light coming through the front

    door to our house. I had borrowed the Nikon camera from a friend at work. Atlhough taken in

    colour, this image was converted to grayscale in PS.

    For Sale I


    I drive past this 'house for sale' just about every day - Although the original photograph is in

    colour, it appeared much better in monochrome. By the way, this is my very first photograph

    in photo.net.

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