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Posts posted by victor_kunkel2

  1. I've used them both but prefer the OM-1. There is something about the simple elegance of the OM-1. I have a black one. The biggest diffrence is that the OM-2 can be used in either manual or automatic modes and the OM-1 is, as was said above, manual only. Kinda depends on what your preference is, though I can say, that I used an OM-2 for work when they were new and almost always found myself shooting in manual. The OM-2 is a fine camera if you prefer automatics and the OM-2S has a spot metered option in manual (I think). Battery availability for the OM-1 is a non-issue. #675 hearing aid batteries provide the exact voltage needed and are available just about anywhere. I think my last ones cost about $7.00 for a bubble pack of 6 or so. Yes, they are physically too small for the battery compartment; however I found that a #9 o-ring from any hardware store fits the compartment very well and centers the battery. The batteries are air cells which supposedly don't last very long, but I've been getting about 3/4 of a year out of mine. I hope this helps.
  2. The OM-2 is a lovely camera, especially the OM-2S which spot meters in manual. I've heard some negative things about the electonics due to age, but just a few. They are very popular cameras. The only one better, in my opinion is an OM-1. Took a long time to find a pristine black MD, but I was fortunate enough to do so. The battery is a non issue on the OM-1. A 1.3 volt hearing aid battery encompassed in a #9 faucet o-ring fits perfectly, is very inexpensive and gives the meter exactly the voltage it wants. I think I paid somthing like $7.00 for eight batteries and about $1.00 for six or so o-rings. Though they are zinc air batteries, they last a lot longer than has been publicized. Been six months and around 20 rolls of film so far. That battery fix also works with my Nikomat FTN.
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