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Image Comments posted by kalkewmada



    There is no place on Photo.net for this crap. I mean really dude, why not just show her using a strap-on in the next one?


    Pathetic ploy for attention. Fire at will all you basement dwelling nerds who've yet to see the real thing in person.

    le pain de sucre


    First of all: never ever stop taking your meds without your doctors' permission, because I quite clearly explain (in the 2nd post) the possible connection between soccer and the actual picture you have posted...not "crosses"....and...your first comment is so out in left field, out-of-context that I think you may need a search party to get back to Earth. Again with the Heinrich Heine quote...did you two date at one time or what?


    And thank YOU for posting THIS ridiculous exercise in narcissism as total and unequivical proof of my last statement.



    P.S. That, my dear Watson is precisely the problem. Try putting DOWN the books filled with OTHER peoples' thoughts and...go outside. Take a long walk in the sunshine. Breathe in the air. Come up from your mothers' basement and live a little...throw a frisbee. By an ice-cream cone(google it...we'll wait).


    But most importantly...try thinking for yourself for a change...without quoting Mr. Heine or Rudolf Steiner or Plato or Elvis even. It will hurt your head at first but I promise this goes away with practice and what's more...the rewards are life-changing and profound.


    Good luck.

  1. This shot is simply UNREAL on every level...composition, color, exposure, post....



    Stunning...this is what it's all about my friend.


    Anyone giving less than a 7/7 should have their head examined.

    le pain de sucre




    I finally understand the confusion.


    This is a photography forum known as "Photo.net". I think you might be looking for a forum known as "PompousNarcissist.net". It's where everybody who's anybody goes to needlessly pontificate on all the books they've read or are going to read in a vain attempt at bolstering their own pseudo-self esteems.


    You might consider joining...it's free and right up your "alley". Yes...it's in quotes because I'm sure your next Tolstoy-esque entry will inform us all how you've never heard of such a thing as an alley.


    Have you considered getting over yourself?

  2. This is so incredible...very well done. Those point and shoots can really surprise you sometimes!


    Then again it is 10MP...but it's still the photographer who takes the shot.


    The only thing I'd change is that little bit of green in the bottom right corner...easily PS'd out, because it's unecessary to the whole.

    le pain de sucre


    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...


    Yes...they became cannibals. It's tragic, and an amazing story of survival too.


    Cultural Imperialism merely implies that one culture(ie. american) takes a dominant stance and simultaneously disregards any other cultures wherever and whomever they may be. It is simply a term like any other.



    Since they show it at the top of a mountain at the end of the film in a dramatic "flyby" sequence, while Ave Maria plays, one is led to believe that the two are linked somehow.

    le pain de sucre


    I'll take your smart-ass comment as a lame attempt at humor. Yes, I'm quite aware that all you non-Americans call SOCCER...futbol. Us dumb Americans and our cultural imperialism...tsk tsk. Or could it be that over here we have an enormously popular sport with the exact same pronunciation...and thus created a new name to avoid confusion?


    It looks like the cross dedicated to the SOCCER players depicted in that movie "Alive". I know, once again...dumb Americans portraying the tragic events over the Andes mountains...how dare they.

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