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Image Comments posted by robert_posey

    Whatha Eatn?


                    ..... but it make me smile


    Sometimes, that is all a photo needs to do.  Nice shot.  I like it.

    Can't help wondering which one ate the food.  :-)



  1. Nataliya, my only qualification for critiquing this offering is in, simply knowing what appeals to my photographic eye - and this does!  It is one of the best Nudes I've ever seen.

    Presentation is clean, simple and natural - and the softness adds much to the overall quality.  (I'd like to see the colors slightly deeper, but that is probably a matter of taste.)  There is a style here that you should pursue.  Please, let us see more of your work done in this style.

    Your model is exquisite!  In the center shot, her eyes and her smile are so alluring that one sees little else - at first.  Do not let this gorgeous creature get away. -- Regards



    This is NOT a critique (I would never!) - just a question.


    I was smitten with digital photography about five years ago and have struggled ever since to better the outcome of my endeavors; which is the reason for this note. My equipment is just mediocre, and at my age, it's hard to remember details, but still - I enjoy it immensely!


    In looking at your photo of the hands of your wife and daughter (and 'Katie Kangaroo'), it's hard not to notice that the white balance is affected by the artificial lighting in the room. I dare say, a few clicks in PS (or the likes) would have rendered more natural skin tones in both shots. But - having the propensity for detail that you obviously do, I'm inclined to think you left them that way to convey 'something' of the moment. I wonder if you would be willing to share your reasons for leaving them as they are.


    Many thanks,


  2. Nice street shot! I personally think a bit more background blur would better draw the eyes to the subject. But, that's just my opinion. I do not however understand why anyone would express sympathy over the fact he has no shoes. He has just lit a cigarette and he seems to be wearing either a walkman or cell phone headset on his head. If he can afford those luxuries, then he can afford shoes. Life is about choices.
  3. We have been photographing the dead ever since we've had the means to do so. The reasons range everywhere from historical or posterity to ghoulish and monetary, and everything in between. Now days, some families actually hire professionals to photograph funerals, including multiple photos of the deceased. While this deeply disturbs some people, others view it in a totally different light. I, as I believe others do, have long thought that there IS a line that should not be crossed where such photography is concerned. I (personally) think the posting of funeral pictures on the web for comments and critiques, no matter how tastefully done, crosses that line.


    You state that you had permission to take the photos, but did you have permission to post them?



  4. Hello Zoltan - I am not good enough at photography to critique your shot - so I will not. But... I like everything about it - EVERYTHING! Beautiful! I too saw the head of a baby colt with my first look. I am curious... did you see a colt's head "before" you took the shot? Thanks. Rob



    The digital bug bit me four years ago and I absolutely love it! I've been coming to the PN site for about three years and joined a year ago. I truly enjoy viewing the seemingly endless variety of photos posted here.


    I come to this site (and joined), in large part, because of its stated mission; "To be the best peer-to-peer educational system for people who wish to become better photographers." (What a GREAT concept!) Inevitably, constructive criticism and encouragement are tools of that system. Naturally, constructive criticism will work only if one can except it. However, I'm seeing a decrease in the use of these tools and an increase in the reciprocal stroking of individual egos. I question how this helps the intended mission of PN.


    I freely admit that I'm a rank amateur and my equipment is only mediocre. For those reason, I do not post any of my photos (although I do get some shots that please me). For these same reasons, I would never critique someone else's work. I'll admit that I'm not sure what this "3/4" thing is all about... whether it's the result of the pro looking down his nose at the amateur, or the amateur taking jealous revenge on the pro. Two things I do know... it is not constructive criticism... and, if I couldn't take the heat..... well... you know.

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