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Posts posted by stoatsngroats

  1. Wow - I'll try that a bit later Lester!


    Can I ask, what is wrong with the image above? (the full size one, not the reduced one!)


    I can see blown highlights, but presumed that could be dealt with by diffusing the flash slightly. I also can see that its not perfectly focused, but I'm happy to struggle on with it as I cant afford a true macro lens. Am I missing some problems with this?


    Thanks, for your time!



  2. I'm interested to know any details about the magnification of the front element

    ONLY,when used in isolation, of a Canon EF 28-70 mk2 lens. I'm using this on

    the front of my 50mm 1.8 mk2, and Sigma 70/300 DG macro, with some remarkable

    results, sometimes with closeup filters, sometimes not.


    I expect some will say that the quality of these pictures would be well below

    decent, but this is my most recent.


    Thanks, in anticipation,



  3. I know there are people who have problems with, and criticism of PN, regarding ratings, and lack of valuable commentry/critique. I joined to gain a greater understanding of photography, and I've learned LOTS here.


    I'll continue to pay for the use of this excellent site, and not let the detractors offend me!


    I agree with Graham, and Kevin - wholeheartedly!

  4. Thanks Elliot,


    I'm aware of the general concensus on quality issues regarding TCs, but wondered if the 100 f2, (my original post!)would give better results than my telephoto, a Sigma 70-300 f4-5.6.


    My post was really based around the thought of how to get the largest, fastest possible lens, from my current kit (which is small and cheap!), and whether this would be a reasonable way to go.


    I'm unable to purchase the quality, large Canon lenses at this time, but ?100 or so, could be affordable in the near future!


    As I said, if I sound Dim, I probably am!


    Thanks for your comments!





  5. Wow, I couldn't have predicted THAT!


    I presumed that the views given by Elliot, Leopold & Sheldon would be correct, and I don't think I would really have bought a 1.4TC, (well, nit until after the 70-200 2.8 arrives, just after the Lottery win!) to use this way. But, after looking at Bobs review, I may have a rethink!


    Many thanks to you all for your speedy replies!





  6. I enjoy rating pictures - I have no profesional training so my ratings may be worthless to others, but they're given freely, and with consideration. I also give critique when I feel comments are appropriate, or when I enjoy a particular piece. Its on these terms that I participate.


    As regards small critique forums on a subject basis - this is an excellent idea, no anonymity, and eventually the knowledge that your pictures, (and their's) would be judged by your peers, and hopefully the very people one would be likely to end up respecting.



  7. My daughter, age 9, has her own P&S Canon, and just does as she pleases when we go out. Its very interesting to see that she sees pattern and colour in what I would consider mundaneness.


    Its fun to view her pictures, because she has no concerns on the technicalities.


    As for this being cathartic for the adult - I agree wholeheartedly, it's only us adults who put the seriousness in to our daily lives.





  8. I agree with Bob, I really want a 70-200 2.8, but I can't afford one! I'm on a low budget because photography is one of a couple of hobbys I have and have to work it round a family (same as many on here, I know!) To spend $5000 + on camera equipment is definatley a no-no, and probably always will be!
  9. I have to say that for low cost the Sigma is worth a try - look at my bird pics, which were handheld, and manual focus. These are the best of 100 or so shots, over a few days.


    I'm a hobbyist, certainly no pro, but it's taken a week or so to get the best of this lens.


    If cost is no problem, go for a Canon 70-200 2.8; if it is try the Sigma, its a 'good enough' lens.





  10. Hi Joao,

    Thanks for checking out my birds.


    Regarding the noise which you mention, it is apparent when viewed large, - http://www.photo.net/photo/5953909&size=lg , -


    Its probably a combintion of my 350D and the Sigma lens, bear in mind that its slightly cropped too, and it was ISO 200.


    I think for the cost, its a lens worth trying, UNLESS you prefer to save for a Canon. I'd rather have a Canon, but I'm not able to do a back-to-back check with these two lenses.


    I'll finish by saying that I'm not attempting to emulate professional quality photo's - I can only do the best I can with what I can afford, and so its funding which dictates which lenses I can use.


    My advice then, is to go for the highest quality lens you can afford. If your looking seriously at Sigma, this is an acceptable (to me!) purchase - if you can spend more, buy the canon.


    Hope this helps!


    All the best,



  11. I have a 70-300 sigma DG (not apo), you can check out the quality of it looking at my Bird pics. I'm no pro, and these were handheld and manual focus (its quieter).


    I use a 350D.


    I would NOT go for the 28-300, tho' I've no experience of this, its just too much of a 'Jack-of-all-Trades' - I'd like canon L glass but funds are limited. The Sigma 70-300 is worth a try, based on the cost, but you need to experiment and learn the abilities of this lens.


    hope this helps,



  12. Apart from the font problem, I think the first is dynamic, and motivational, whereas the second is flat, and slightly voyeuristic. You're right when you say it needs something - I'm not sure that it conveys any message as it is. I'd go with the first.


    You asked!



  13. Hi Jean,


    Mine is not the APO version, but checkout my bird pictures - it'll give you some idea of what is possible.


    Just a comment to Jim, in Alaska - I'm glad I can use the sigma 70-300, its all I can afford. I'd rather have a 300 2.8 and 1.4 TC, but funds don't permit this. If any 'friends' are reading this, and want to donate some quality 'L' glass for my 350D, I'd be a friend for life!


    I'll be checking that email!


    good luck jean.



  14. Hi Jean,


    It depends if you need 300mm. I have the Sigma 70-300 f4-5.6 DG on my Canon 350D. Its usable at 300mm, but I've found it better on manual focus for birds (- this is quite difficult at first! -) I'm getting better, checkout my bird pictures, all taken with this lens.


    If I could afford a new canon, I'd go for a 70-300mm, but the cost is too much for me. All the prices you quote seem a little too low, and if they're on ebay from Hong Kong, I'd be wary. At the end of the day, try to find photos on PN which have been taken with the camera you have, and the lens you want - then decide on your budget.


    Good luck!



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