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sergio maretz

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Posts posted by sergio maretz

  1. I have an old AF 1.8/50 on a D80 that works only at minimum aperture - f16 (manual mode). Otherwize it wouldn't shoot! It may be a problem with the lens, but I would suggest to bring one AF along to the shop and test it.

    D80 is a nice and very user-frienly cam.

  2. Same happened to me, but instead on a carpet, it was on a concrete floor. It was on a table tripod equipped with a pretty heavy 180 mm.

    First I did notice anything, then I accused the new lens 18-200 of focussing incorrectly. After I upgraded to the D80, I took much sharper pictures. When enlarging the pictures taken with the D50, I noticed a difference in focus right-left. It is likely that the low-pass filter moved slightly. I would recommend you send your camera for a revision. One day you may have to discard a whole lots of nice pictures.

  3. Thank to Joe for the confirmation. Voigtlander is a nice lens with outstanding optical and mechanical quality, equivalent to the Zeiss at half price. I have a manual focus (Sigma 105 macro), but I do not use autofocus for Macro, it never works. In addition, no manual metering is not a problem, Digital can afford test pictures at minimal cost...
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