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Image Comments posted by dseltzer

    Ready For Take-Off


    I know there are scads of flower and similar pics, all the time, and

    especially this time of year, so forgive any redundancy or mundane

    subject matter. My aim was to try and present an old, very over used

    subject in a new an interesting composition that people would enjoy

    looking at. Is there any novelty to this? Does it strike you as

    creative and not just another flower picture? What do you think of the

    composition? Thanks in advance for taking the time to look and comment.

  1. I'm particularly interested in what folks think of the b/w conversion,

    toning and general image quality. Of course, I'm always interested in

    impressions of the subject matter, how it's presented, composition and

    any other elements one may notice and want to teach me about. Thanks

    for taking the time to look and comment.

  2. Glad you like the pic. I've thought about reworking it and cropping it in closer. Maybe I'll give it a try.


    I totally agree about the back back... it's almost bigger than she is! I really can't imagine what all the kids need to carry so much around with them all the time. If that thing was full of books she couldn't lift it! Yes, education certainly has changed, and school is a very different place than when we went there. The kids have so many influences and distractions we didn't have, like who is wearing what kind and label of clothes, who has the better or bigger back pack, and all sorts of other meaningless stuff like that. And I worry, to about both the violence in the schools, as well as the exaggerated responses of the school teachers and administrators, not to mention how careful they now have to be to not offend any one. A teacher can't even put an arm around a crying child to comfort them without being accused of sexual abuse. I think it's all gone crazy. And that's without even mentioning all the inappropriate emphasis on the never ending sports that have become more important in many cases than the academic pursuits. Many children get entirely lost in the craziness, and the ones who are still serious have much trouble getting the education they want and deserve.


    Well, I, too, could go on and on! Obviously, we've both found an awful lot of disturbing stuff in that one back pack, eh?!


    Thanks for visiting, Bela, and I'm always interested to know what you think. Best regards, David.


    Pnina, I didn't write very clearly. I understand and like the slight diagonal made by the shadow in the upper frame. No, what I was asking about is the diagonal line in the street icons... just wondering what it means. :)



    ... so late to this party, but maybe better than not here at all. Most everything I've thought has been already said, and I'll just add my curiosity about the diagonal line's meaning... curious. I see what Ton means about b/w, but for me, this one draws me more in color, since the colors are muted and lend warmth. For me, it's a bit too cold in b/w, but this is an extremely minor point.


    I'm not only having fun looking at the image, but also imagining you patiently waiting with camera for just the right people to reach just the right spot. This would have been a great time for another photographer to have been there shooting you while you waited and found your desired shot. And I must confess to a bit of envy, too, for having the time to wait for the right people. In my current world, such stretches of time are seldom available. But that just makes your shot all the more fun and enjoyable for me.


    Gorgeous animal (I've never seen one before, either), razor sharp detail, perfect DoF, wonderful light and exposure. One aspect I especially like that actually hasn't already been mentioned is the wonderful reflections in the lower left quarter of the eyes. It sets them off so subtly but definitely, drawing one into the lovely detail and soft colors of the irises. No other word for this but magnificent.


    Excellent! And Joe is exactly right about the angle of the tower. The shot would definitely lose energy and interest if the tower were plumb.

    Cascades Paper


    You've done a masterful job of exposing this scene, given so many, different light sources, as well as choosing a shutter speed that shows the jet of steam so well. You must have had quite a time getting the white balance on this one, but you certainly nailed it.


    As for the composition, it's intriguing, complex, and you've managed to take strongly industrial, and not terribly attractive elements, and combined them into an excellent, natural montage that's fun to explore with the eye, and tells a great story of industry, recycling and the twenty-four-seven nature of the process. I love how the upper sodium vapor lamp becomes a man-made, midnight sun, and the building is forcefully alive as it beacons for the almost hidden fork lift to bring it more.


    I like this image very much, Ian. Bravo!

  3. It's dancing! I like this a lot, and I agree about the DoF. I'd add that the background is especially nice as it somewhat mirrors the form of the blossom with the lighter greens. Nice shot, Dave!
  4. Whether you framed this in the camera or later, it's a terrific composition. I especially like the near monotone, light blue tint to the sky and water, and I love the contrast of the orange sign. I am curious why/how there's the darker line at the horizon... the far shore? The shot is very fine as it is, and I'd be proud to have taken it. I also wonder how it would be if there were no clear line at the horizon. But, as I've continued to look, I'm leaning toward the line being necessary for the shot to work. As it stands, it's one of those images I want to keep staring at... it's so very peaceful.

    Rainy Day Beach

    Wonderful capture. I'm glad you left it darker. It has a softer and warmer feeling than if it were brighter. Makes me wish I was there, walking along that fence.


    No PhotoShopping needed here, for sure! I think this works wonderfully well with all the geometric shapes - parallels, triangles, a trapezoid made by the pole, curb, painted line and your framing - and the mainly b/w set off by the bright orange is wonderful. And then there's the story inherent in the angle of the pole, as well as the tiny, broken remnant of another at it's base. I can't know, of course, just what you saw, but this must come very close to showing us your vision of this scene. Another simply complex and very interesting image!

    My Fishy Feet

    This is delightful, and a wonderful composition. The curve of the log, the symmetry of the fish, one at each foot and facing each other, and the angles formed by your legs and the log are all very well seen and captured. There is, of course, the humor of the fishy shoes you're wearing, and that you seem to almost be standing in the aquarium. I'm also very drawn to the several triangular shapes created by your legs, the line in the concrete floor, and the positions of the fish in relation to the turquoise line on the left, and the shadow of the log on the right, both completed by your framing. As usual, you've packed a great deal into one image, that keeps the eye moving all about and continuously interested.

    In the field


    Thanks for the info. Obviously, I'm no expert, and I am only familiar with a fraction of what PS can do. I haven't tried the polar coordinates filter yet... in fact, I don't think I knew it was there at all. Ha! I'll have to give it a try if/when I find a suitable subject.


    BTW, I've read the discussion about the sky, and now that you've told me about the filter you used, I'm wondering if there weren't a lot of clouds that day. I ask, because it looks to me as if there actually is some blue sky, both in the center and at about 11 o'clock, with clouds wrapped around, presumably by the filter. Of course, I may very well be entirely off base, but that's how it looks to me. Either way, I think this is a great shot, and an interesting and creative presentation, and I think the sky looks fine.

  5. I'm glad you're the one who noticed and commented on this pic. You are so sensitive to and skilled at presenting moods and stories, so it's very affirming for you to say what you have. I really identified with these two little fellows with their intense concentration and focus, aware only of what they're observing. They were so serious, I wondered what they were thinking, and also pleased they were completely oblivious to my picture taking.


    Thanks for finding and commenting on this one. I'm very glad you like it!

    In Between

    You've helped clarify and more specifically identify the elements that need work in this image, as well as some good suggestions for how to make it happen... all good stuff I'll try and keep in mind, actually need in mind for most if not all shots, and especially when I try this one again next year! I am pleased that the joy comes through, though I think mother nature gets the lion's share of the credit for that!
  6. A slow shutter and smooth zoom out? Great colors and composition. It's really nice how you captured the fire so clearly while whooshing the background into the nice radial streaks. I also think many would have put the fire centered, but the way you've offset it with the half open door really works well.
  7. This doesn't look to me like it needs to be any sharper, though I know that depends on what you wanted to show. The ripple seems well focused, and the rest seems fitting and consistent with the movement of the water, though I suspect it's also a product of your camera movement technique. Gotta say I'm really not sure what's natural and what's Bowbrick on this one, and that just adds to the interest and mystery that starts with wondering how big a fish broke the surface. Great catch on this one... not good eatin', but certainly food for the eye and mind.


    An amazing drop, and great presentation. The sharpness and richness of colors show an excellent camera and lens, and in the hands of one who knows what to do with them!
  8. I don't think I'd call you, or think of you as an "over opinionated egomaniac," affectionately or otherwise, but certainly you discuss much more than photography with your non-PN friends. In any case, your directness and honesty are a big part of what makes your comments valuable.


    I'm glad you've seen progress in my ability to take more elements into consideration in my shooting. I've thought that the case, but it's all the better to have it validated by someone who's opinion I value. And it is, indeed, a great feeling to have an image turn out well in the ways I've thought I was taking into account. That experience, striving for that result, and the endless possibilities for learning (and the opportunities to learn about much more than photography alone) are what fascinate and delight me, and keep me shooting.

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