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Posts posted by 1815photography

  1. <p>I've been using the Nikon 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5G DX since May-ish. As long as you have good light (or are at least using a camera with usable high ISO) its an awesome lens. Its not super sharp at the edges at 10mm what wide ange lens is? Here are some samples that I took with the 10-24. I highly recommend this lens.<br>

    Flickr Search

  2. <p>So I have a customer / high school friend who wants to hire me to do portraits of their newborn daughter. I'm giving them 5 sheets for $225. Apparently they didn't like the price and would like for me to give them the images to print themselves. The answer is no because the reprints is where the profits are made from. How do I word it or explain it to them that that's not going to happen?</p>
  3. <p>An organzier for a art fair has vacatant storefront space in our local shopping mall where artists can display their work. She's charging $45 for 1 month $85 for two. I get a 6' x 6' wall space to display my work. If I leave some type of sinage and handle the selling of my work they get no commision but if they handle it they take 20%.<br>

    I'm very new to this and I'm not sure of what legal and financial pitfalls there are. Any comments, tips, warnings of gotchas, anything would be greatly appreciated.<br>

    Thanks in advance.</p>

  4. <p>I have to give B&H a thumbs up as well. I had questions about umbrellas and flashes and I talked to a support associate online and he answered all of my questions and help me pick out a product based on what I was trying to do. Best of all, no taxes for me because they're not in my state. I was going to buy a new Mac at a local Apple store but I think I'll be buying it from B&H instead.</p>
  5. <p>I have a similar issue with a macro lens. At wider apertures the particles are barely noticible but the narrower the aperture the more visible it is. I know for sure that its dust IN the lens between the elements. Strong canned air dislodged some but not all. It's all easy enough to clone out for now but eventually I'll send the lens to Nikon or a certified Nikon operation to have them take a look.<br>

    If you hold the lens up to a light source (other than the sun of course) and open the apperture wide you may be able to see something. That's how I found the dust in my lens.</p>

  6. <p>I'm making the switch from PC to Mac and I understand that Macs and PCs are different animals. I currently have a 2.8 Ghz dual core with 2 gig of RAM and a 512MB ATI video card. I'm noticing that making adjustments in Lightroom is a little sluggish even with some services stopped and un-needed applications killed. <br>

    Needless to say I'm not going to Vista/PC route so what grade of Mac should I purchase? iMac? Mac Pro? MacBook? 4GB of RAM and a 512 MB video card is what I have in mind. If you are a Mac user and using Lightroom 2, what do you have and how well does it perform. I'm currently using a catalog in Lightroom that has roughly 44,000 images.<br>

    Any info/insight into this would be great.<br>

    Thank you!</p>

  7. <p>Hello all and thanks for reading.<br>

    I did a shoot for a friend of a friend who is looking to get into modeling. I told her (and I know this is crazy cheap) $125 for 10 retouched photos from the shoot. We did maybe 4 outfits. So she ended up paying me $150 including the tip.<br>


    <p>So I go through the photos, pick the ones I think have potential and I show her the raw photos so she can choose the 10 she wants me to retouch. She sees them and loves them, her mother sees them an wants her to choose 25 not just 10. My question is how much extra should I charge now that I'm going to be retouching 25 photos instead of 10?<br>

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>


  8. Lenswork is fantastic. Especially Lenswork Extended on DVD. The subscription comes with a PDF version of the current issue but with additional photos, audio interviews with photographers and typically a tour of a famous photographers dark room or studio. Very inspirational.


    I'm growing tired of any publication that does too many reviews of gear and is too heavy on the "this is how you do this in photoshop" side. I like American Photo and Focus as well.

  9. You should check out the instructions of the D80 and D200. You can download them from Nikon in PDF format. In my D200 manual there is a list of specific lenses including serial number ranges that can not be used with it. I would imagine they have the same info in the D80 manual.
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