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Image Comments posted by laurentbaig


    This is pretty neat. I'd crop from the top to just above the main part of the falls, or darken that top area as it appears to bright to me. Then you could adjust the contrast of the image overall. Neat place, I'd like to see more images from here.


    This has a simple elegance to it. I like the solidity of the trees and the faint shadows they leave in the snow and the near lack of tonal contrast anywhere else in the image. Very cool image.

    Passing Storm

    Interesting composition. I like the black and white treatment. I'd wish for a little more space on the right, but since the tree tilts to the left, the image seems to work as is.


    The lighting and the blend and composition are very nice. My complaint would be that the lower right corner is out of focus. Close shots like these require great attention to the appearance of focus, and you may just be hitting the limits of what you can do with your lens (assuming not a tilt/shift) or you may have placed focus at the wrong point.

    The Wall

    Interesting composition. I love those thin sandstone walls. I'm not sure this is the right time of day for this shot. Have you considered late afternoon for sun shining on the face towards the viewer? The blue sky doesn't do much here except say it's a nice day to be out. I wish there were a way to accentuate the clouds in the distance.

    #217 ChuskaMts

    Nice scene. I like the colors in the rabbit brush (did i get that right?) and the splash of white. The foreground on the right is a bit empty, even with the rock. Very pretty place and a nice image despite my minor complaints.

    Sea Study

    Hi Aaron. I love the wave crashing on this image. It's awesome. I think the image tightens up if you crop the bottom to where the lighter foreground isn't showing. The bottom rocks dont seem to add anything for me.
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