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Image Comments posted by nocode



    a photo only created to suit the criteria for a weekly photo contest

    topic EPOXY so i made a game up epoxy target practice you line up

    the tube and slam yer fist on it either you hit the target or you




    Who doesn't skateboard in the winter? Another entry for the weekly

    photo contest. This weeks topic is "A Sporting Event". This is my

    boy Joey doing what he loves. The weather has been a little crazy

    lately and he was anxious to get back on his board, so with this

    weeks entry, it works out well for him and me!! Good Job Sonny!!

    Got Beer?


    This got first place this week. So sweet because these beers where in my house for the simple reason that my cousin was in town from Wales, UK and we drank em, lots of them!! I could barely get it together to do it. And the memories we made for those two weeks, wow, we tore it up. Here's to you Neil. Cheers! More Beers!!


    Oaks Hall


    Oaks Hall. One of the original buildings in Niagara Falls. It once

    belonged to Sir Harry Oaks. Also the man behind The Niagara Parks

    Commission. This was taken on a cold morning in December just as

    the sun was coming up.

    What's His Story?


    I saw this man lieing on a subway vent trying to stay warm on a cold

    and windy January day. It made me sad to see him so I took a few

    photos and proceeded to wake him up to give him a few bucks for a

    hot meal. (hopefully)

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