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charlie lemay

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Everything posted by charlie lemay

  1. Seventh Annual Exposure Award - wwwcharlielemaynet As a long-term member of Photo.net Leica and Rangefinder poster, I am asking for all my fellow members to consider clicking on this link to cast a vote for my Driven series. I just entered it into the PDN Exposure Awards. and they have a popular vote component. I think it will take a lot of votes, so the more people who can take a minute to do this, the better the chances are of becomming a finalist in the competition. Driven is a series of 8 B&W images with self-portraits of me from 1978-2015 (taken with a wide assortment of film and digital gear} in a comic VW with litterary references that I have been influenced by. These have recently won awards in the British Monochrome Awards (Honorable Mention) and Moscow MIFA Awards (Bronze Medal), so they might already have a few fans, but I will need as many votes as I can muster to get on their radar. If you could take a moment to pass this link on to other photographers and friends and urge them to vote too, it could really help. It's totally free. Thanks in advance for your help. Charlie
  2. Sorry Barry, My 2008 Mac tower can't support a browser that the new site can function on. My iPad only uploads a question mark after following the procedure you outlined. I am not going to put up thumbnails rather than large images, so that's that. I hate the new flat design that is only fit for phones, which I refuse to use as well. Best of luck to all. Charlie
  3. I shot this a couple weeks ago. Hasselblad 201f, 250mm SA, Fuji Acros, ZoneSimple Extreme 64x. I realized after making this image that I had photographed this same overturned system of tree roots many times over the years, with each one being posted on this weekly thread. "The Hunt" is the oldest, from 2012. "Pounce" was shot with a Rolleiflex. All the others were shot with Leicas. All are Fuji Acros ZoneSimple Extreme 16x.
  4. From yesterday. Fuji Xe-1, CV 75mm f1.8.<div></div>
  5. <p>Just to keep things in perspective.</p><div></div>
  6. <p>From last week, Fuji Xe-1 w/ 35mm f1.4.</p><div></div>
  7. From a couple weeks ago. Hasselblad 503cw w/120mm f4, Hp5, ZomeSimple Extreme 16x.<div></div>
  8. From last week. Hasselblad 503cw, 80mm f2.8, Ilford HP5, ZoneSimple Extreme 16x.<div></div>
  9. From a couple weeks ago. M2, CV 35mm f1.2, Fuji Acros,, ZoneSimple16x.<div></div>
  10. From last week. M2, 50 Sonnetar, Fuji Acros, ZoneSimple Extreme 16x.<div></div>
  11. Thanks E., I don't print much these days, but it's a fine lens. Another image from Sept. in NYC using a 50mm Sonnetar on my Fuji XE-1. I love it on digital because I can see what I'm getting, but still working on getting results like this on M cameras.<div></div>
  12. Barry, you read my mind. Shot last month, Hasselblad SWC/M. Ilford HP5, ZoneSimple 16x.<div></div>
  13. <p>Both images were made with the Helios on a Nikkormat.</p><div></div>
  14. Evan, a Visoflex will work best wth an M4~P for the 125. I don't think the Helios would work, but it is adaptable to a Nikon, if you can give up infinity focus with a vintage one, but they make new ones with a Nikon mount that dose infinity focus. Robin, it is a special lens and I have gotten some great images from it I'll post one bellow. Mine is an export model that is engraved Made in USSR. It has a huge tripod mount and is very heavy with a stop down manually preset aperture, but I mostly shoot it wide open.
  15. Yes, Robin, it does. I bought a Cinese adapter for a little over $100 that is m42 to Hasselblad,which seems to be very well made. I am going to have Grimesx machine the m39 to m42 adapter taking into account the channel made for the UBIO. I also have a Russian Helios 85mm f 1.5 that is alreaddy m42, but needs to have a tripod mount removed and some surgery to get the rear element closer. I will probably get to it after the Holidays.
  16. <p>I have one, and it definitely works on a Canon. I have seen them on eBay rarely, modified for Nikon. it could be adapted for medium format, something a am planning to do for my Hasselblad, but I will lose infinity focus and need a custom m39 to m43 adapter to get the closest fit due to recessed rings on the 125. It should work for closeup images, maybe even creative portraiture and contribute that amazing glow.</p>
  17. Stunning, Alan! And the pigeon walking into the shot! It doesn't get much better!
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