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Image Comments posted by iliafarniev

    STS Mir

    Dear Peter. Thank you for the good answer. The image have caught my attention in many ways and ther was no sense of disaproval at all. I sow a few dimentions in it and was interested to hear your comments. I find it extrimaly simple and a kind of childlike direct in composition. The one I myself is most interested in and also trying to cultivete. I also interested in literal communication between likeminded photographers as IMO it is important instrument of personal development. There ware as well the other considerations of rather fine scientific nature. It seems to me that sertain subjects do atract attention of not formaly connected photographers during of some period of time as if there is some kind of synchronisity operats in us. Perhaps I dig to deep and there is nothing in it but I am interested and would like to hear your comments if you have any. Thanks. Ilia.

    STS Mir

    This image made me wandering about why would you have it made and posted. Is it a colors, a mining of the word or some kind transsendetial projection? Rust leaks?.. Hope to have an ansver. Ilia.


    Hey David. Not just yet. Actualy I find this image as rather good self portret. Ofcouse some may argue about colors and tonal balance in solution... but, hej! Ilia.

    Indian Hornbill

    Hi Craig. Very impressive shot indeed. In my opinion this picture may gain some visual quolity by bluring the foliage in background. The bird is fantastic. Thanks. Ilia.


    Hej Hans. I agree with Billy and only will add philosofically that strong distinktive filling of like/dislike can be considered as a pointer to natural truth. Just see his intelegent and focused look, high forehead, the nostrils wide open working. No fear of natural born killer. The hyaenas has been on horisont line of my attention for quite some time now and I would like to hear if you have learned a thing or two about them. Thanks for great exposition.Very interestin.Ilia.

    Orchid blossoms

    Hello Kent. Intrusive? .. No. Perfect? .. Yes. In my view it is actually a bit too perfect. It is offcause a matter of personal tast and subjects nature. I think it is advantageous in many cases of flower photography to compose with a sense of free room and future grouth. With a touch of no-acomplishment and perspective if you like. I curently work with one snow white orchidea and kind of thinking of it and the way it is sometimes. In any case the image you present here is very beautyful partly because of the flowers natural beauty, partly because of your great photographic skills. I looket at it for long time with sense of aesthetic satisfaction. Many thanks. Ilia.


    This image looks very good to me. Composition is streight perfect. The best think to do is to be critical. As long as you wish to continue the improvement will keep comming. Best regards. Ilia.
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