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Posts posted by iancoxleigh

  1. I agree with the above. EXCEPT for Long Exposure NR: leave that on. The Dark frame subtraction that the long exposure NR does is very useful is removing long exposure noise. I have done my own tests and can not get as good a result doing this myself -- plus, it takes quite a while.
  2. Blue heron (background right)


    2 immature gulls. Gulls are hard to identify securly because the interbreed across species and look quite different at different stages of life. But, I'd hazard to guess that these are ring-billed gulls -- I think I can just see a ring on the rightmost one.

  3. Maris,


    What would you define as manipulated? Because I think your list included more than a couple of people whose work was HEAVILY manipulated in my mind.


    The tonal changes that many of these people made in their darkroom work is phenomenal!


    And, it isn't just tonal changes -- I have even seen an exhibit with both an Ansel Adams work print and final print where he removed a road from the image by masking and then duplicating the neighbouring regions. So thats even the equivalent of cloning.


    Buy one of John Sexton's books -- he always gives a few nice examples of his process including images of his negative, work print, intermediate stages and final print.

  4. Alright, so Thom contradicts himself (at least a little) on this page: http://www.bythom.com/d3ord300.htm


    He writes in comparing the D3 and D300: "And the relative of noise is dynamic range. The D3 simply has a deeper electron well than the D300. That ought to translate into slightly more usable dynamic range, especially at higher ISO values where the dynamic range tends to get clipped due to increases in noise. But we're not talking about S5-level increases, but rather modest boosts that are probably less than a stop. Still, the FX camera is going to have better dynamic range handling than the DX camera, all else equal."


    Oh well, so much for my trying to be helpful.

  5. "Also consider how lens selection of each system matches your requirements."


    Huh? Isn't the S5 also an F-mount camera?




    I don't have direct experience here. But, I remembered Thom Hogan making some relevant comment in his D3 review (same sensor/processor as the D700). He wrote that: "At the base ISO, easily nine stops of usable dynamic range are produced by the D3. Moreover, it has a Fujifilm S5 Pro-like ability to have a little latitude in exposure. I can usually bring back in a stop of highlights on raw files, when necessary, so I don't fear pushing my channel values a bit."


    Here: http://www.bythom.com/nikond3review.htm

  6. I recently showed some prints at a camera club meeting (i.e. to other photographers) and got multiple people ask "what camera do you use?" which is basically the same thing.


    I just take it as a compliment. It is easier to say "wow, you have a nice camera", or "wow, what camera do you use?" than it is to say "Huh . . . my photos never turn out as well" or whatever it is they might otherwise say.

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