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hank bresson

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Posts posted by hank bresson

  1. Le’ street photography has been dead for years, dead as a doorknob before the likes of any of you lugs were feasting on

    your mamas breasts.


    Back in my days street was street, roaming the streets, day and night, constantly prowling for something decisive,

    something real. Why one night after enjoying several servings of absinthe into the le’ petite hours of the morning Gene

    Atget and myself, oh and that crazy Brassai were strolling through Pigalle when we ran into a rabbi, a priest and an

    Irishman, mmm, never mind that’s a story for another night.


    Why we’d photograph all day and night regardless of weather conditions, in the morning develop our film in puddles and

    do it all over again the next day and the next and the next. Never once did I hear Doisneau say “hey Hank, you think

    street is dead?”


    As I have always said photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they vanish there is no

    contrivance on earth which can make them return. Around here it’s all the same old shots of the same old people

    crossing the same old street, jumping over the same old puddle, over and over and over.


    Le’ merde, there hasn’t been anything worth looking at never mind hanging since Josef and little Bobby Frank put there

    cameras down.


    The whole lot of you posers should trade in your cameras for photocopiers. Le’ Christ.

  2. >>>Same way I feel about those who shoot landscape, cars, wildlife, buildings,

    statues, and boat marinas. Tired and way over-done that says nothing that hasn't been

    said thousands of times before...


    Not much different the endless stream of so called street photography.


    In regards to Gilden....all gimmick.

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