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iron shore gallery

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Image Comments posted by iron shore gallery



    I once drew a large rectangle on my art classroom's floor, and brought my prof in there to critique it. Robert D'Arista. He was not impressed, but then that was in the mid 60's.


    Nice photo. One a day of the same transmorgafication?

    A Three


    This is another photo from the series that Ive taken of where fliers

    and posters and announcements have been stapeled onto some telephone

    poles around Portland. To my eyes they weather beautifully and

    express visually the same thing as that super novel by Martin Amis

    called "Time's Arrow." The novel has a the format where we are

    reading from the latest to the oldest down a stack of mail that has

    come to him our protagonist.

    Old News


    This is a place on a telephone pole where posters and fliers and

    announcements about lost dogs and tupperware parties have been stapled

    up for many years... and the rain and weather beats on it and time

    moves on and more papers about other tragedies and big parties and

    yard sales come along and get stapled right over yesterdays events

    that we should have heard about, but might have missed, and now they

    are gone forever... ripped even... invisible behind the news that came


  1. I have photographed this building many times... it is a car salesroom.

    The building and windows have been covered with graffiti over the

    years, but now it is being renovated. The doors were open... I walked

    right in and set up my tripod... I was one of them.

    The Late Great


    This is a photo I took of a place on a telephone pole where posters

    and annoncements have been stapeled up for years, here in Portland.

    The papers tear and weather, and to my eyes many beautiful moments are

    to be seen there. One problem... people and even cars stop to watch

    the man with the tripod photographing the telephone poles around town.

  2. This is a little section of a place where posters and announcements

    have been stapeled up onto a telephone poles. Over the years they

    build up and start weathering and getting beautiful.

    Hate Speech


    This is a photo of where windows have been covered many times with

    graffiti. The place is being renovated now and I just walked in and

    started shooting... no one blinked.



    This is a heavily "polished" photograph. This photo is just the

    central part of a big photo


    so after settling on balance and color pretty much I ended up with



    , then I took out the dumpter and all the cars above it. Then I took

    out the refledtion on the car in the window. Then I took out the big

    curve in the building that is in the reflection, and of course my

    reflection that was in there. I fixed up the parking lot and took off

    the dark lamp on the near the window on the building back there. I

    used the curve tool as a final tweak. Then I took out the last light

    that was in the trees and looked like a plastic trash bag that had

    blown up there.


    Hope you enjoy what I do to a photo... Id like to know what your

    thoughts of going through all that uh "polishing".

  3. I took many of this scene... and the most interesting thing for me was that this IS the color of the trees.


    Plus, most of the sky in this photo was lifted from another photo of the same spot. The original sky was too white. I wouldnt want to do more to the sky... getting between the tree tops was time consuming. But another sky would have been nice, a bright blue sky with a few clouds perhaps?

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