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Karim Ghantous

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Image Comments posted by Karim Ghantous

  1. What the...? Amazing. The only problem with this shot is out of your control: the red clothing worn by the climbers does not stand out enough. If you could have chosen their clothing it would have been white, I'm sure.
  2. This image has such an impact that I said 'wow' to myself the very instant that it loaded. Too bad you had to crop the already small 35mm frame (perhaps a slow negative film would be ideal for this type of aspect ratio in 35mm, assuming you knew you were going to crop it). But hey, using Leicas makes it all worth it!



    Although taken with a 50mm, this shot has the feel of being taken with a much longer lens. That is quite interesting.


    I certainly like the subject. But he (or she!) doesn't stand out enough from the background. Also, not enough contrast. Perhaps a Noctilux would have made the image better? ;-)

  3. I love the sky and background. You can feel the serenity. But the image as a whole falls a bit flat. There is nothing in it that has drama or that catches the eye. The foliage is a bit 'boring'.


    I think that if you cut out the bottom quarter of the image, and moved left to avoid the tree, you'd have a more dramatic image: just the mountain range in the background and that big, big, sky.



    Wow, I love this! My favourite photos are usually uncluttered, simple yet strong compositions. Very well done. :-)


    The only thing I dislike is the sepia tone. I guess some will like it though.



    I totally love this shot. It is out of focus but that doesn't detract from the image overall. Philip's Audrey Hepburn comment is apt.


    Your other beach shot may be better in one or two elements (the position of the woman's legs, the higher shutter speed) but on the whole this is the better one.



    I like this image the most. I like it because it is both real and dreamy. It's realistic because, for example, there is no disguising the creases of the subject's skin. It's dreaminess comes obviously from the texture of the image overall. I assume this is a composited image? Well it's nicely executed if it is.


    I like the subtle things, too. The rock the woman is sitting on is just the right shape, her feet are placed at just the right angle, her hair is just so, and I rather like the 2D/3D effect of the shadom of her left hand.


    BTW I notice a slight similarity between this picture and images of fairies one usually finds in children's books. The flower buds make the subject look 'miniature' if you know what I mean.


    Overall, a lovely body, nicely posed, taken and crafted by a photographer with a unique vision. :-)



    Hm, 'drinks like a fish' springs to mind. This image would suit those who look at art purely intellectually I suppose. But it's dead boring. Technically it's 90%+ but aesthetically it has no 'life', no emotion. It has as much spark as an illustration for an ad in a magazine - heavy on the technical excellence but light on the 'pull' that a good photo has.


    Some of your photos are awesome, BTW. But this one is purely dull.



    This is one of those pics that you like the more you look at it. Not only is the model attractive but her expression and pose are almost perfect. When I looked at it again in thumbnail size an idea struck me: this has a religious connotation to it. There's no explaining why I think this. In any case, a good practice is to look at a photo in small and large form to help 'understand' it a bit more.


    Lighting and colours: perfect. Just beautiful.


    The only negative cricicism: the nice but somewhat generic background.

  4. I've just looked over Leslie's other photos and this one stands out as an exception because there's one thing that hit me about those other ones: the subject either never fills the frame enough, or putting it another way, many photos are not cropped in tightly enough. Or even that there isn't enough of the subject in the frame to begin with.
  5. I got the feeling that those who liked this shot either had political bias (you perhaps support the lady or her cause) or you thought that just because it's hard to take it must get positive 'press'.


    This picture is to me quite messy. There isn't much tension it it and I can't believe that even those who liked it think it has any significant amount of tension.


    Of Eve Arnold calibre this ain't.

    b&w Decanter


    The soft lighting is great, and so is the reflection - if only you could have avoided the 'horizon'.


    This does seem to have too much white space.


    While it is a little stark or unemotional, it is very catching. Technically it's close to top standards.


    It could be something from an Image Bank catalogue - but in colour.


    And you know, now that others have mentioned it, the glass is too full. Traditionally, one is never supposed to fill a liquor or wine glass close to the top. It is considered inelegant.

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