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Posts posted by throbinson

  1. I'm currently looking at getting either the 50mm f/1.4 or the 85mm f/1.8 lens.


    My question is, min. focal distances.


    I'm a student so no studio really, just bought a few lights and a backdrop to

    start shooting models with. I always hear that the 85mm is more 'flattering'

    when shooting people, however, my concern is distance.


    I know the 85mm will give the model a bit more room to work with between you and

    them, but worried that I'll be too far back in smaller places like my apartment

    to shoot.


    My friend said that with my 75-300mm lens (the cheaper $180 model) I have to

    stand too far back at 75mm so the 85mm will be even further back.


    Being a better lens, faster, etc... would that be a good comparison?


    Also, would the 50mm f/1.8 and the 50mm f/1.4 lens have the min. focal distance?


    I'm getting told by half the people I ask that 85mm is 85mm, they'd all have the

    same min. focal distance because they're all 85mm. I am also being told by the

    other half of the people that yes it affects it, but not all 85mm lens' have the

    same focal distance, it depends on the quality of the lens.


    So wanting clarification... anyone?



  2. Just curious, I have my Canon in for repairs, took my Dad's old SRt-102 outta

    storage and aside from no battery for the light meter it seems to work quite

    well... Len's are quite cheap online used which is a bonus as well, prob is

    I've read a few things that confused me as to what lens to get.


    I read that all manual focus len's fit, I read that I need an MD mount, and I

    read that I need an MC mount... so no clue what criterea to search on.


    My canon, simply look for an EF mount and it's good...


    Anyone know which mount I need for the SRT-102?



  3. Ya, that's the thing... I don't mind a 2 month wait to get newer technology, but same time, I don't want to miss a summers worth of photos waiting for August to find out that the new model is too costly, not much of an upgrade, or just not comming out for a few months more.


    Same time, we all know, when you go buy it now, next week they announce a new model. :)

  4. Ah I would love the 5D... but... 1st year Design Student (definition - broke newbie).


    I am loving the photo course which is only for my 1st year sadly since my school is hands on 1st yr, so 35mm. Next 2 yrs are strcitly on the computer, and I own a Kodak DX3215 1.2mp camera from 7yrs ago... so at my level I think the 30D will likely last me 2yrs of school, plus a few years afterwards while I work towards my own studio in Graphic Design, at which point the 5D will be old and about $1000 instead of $3500. :)


    Basically, my focus of use will be for artistic macro shots, and would like to get into emotive portrait shots and PinUps. I can't see going bigger than the 'very rare' 16x20 prints... may want to do wedding pics in summer fo extra cash as well... hoping the 30D will handle that type of thing.

  5. Ah for me, I may get a deal on it, about 30% off $1449CAN, plus Canon's mail in rebate of $150... so, with all that a used 20D with no warranty... hmm, rather get the 30D... I always have bad bad luck buying used, especially off eBay...
  6. Well... if I knew a knew one was comming then yes... if it's unknown or we know none are comming out, then why wait 2 months to end up buying the same camera...


    Hence the point of posting the question "does anyone know if a newer version of the same price is comming out sooner rather than later?"

  7. Hows that thing work anyway.... on my EOS Rebel 35mm, I hit it and in the viewer I see things dim/grey... but the manual doesn't say what that means... just says to press the button and the aperture does whatever and you get a preview... but doesn't tell you what the preview means. :)


    The darker the better? darker mean the background will be more blured when the photo taken? no clue at all... :)

  8. Well, decided to get the 30D as per MANY enthusiastic replies all showing it

    was the way to go over the XTi... and having read many reviews seems better

    than the Nikon equivalent....




    Saw a few mentions of a 35D release, and many people saying it was a rumour...


    So... before I go runnin' out and spending $1500CAN on the Canon 30D, does

    anyone know if a newer version of the same price is comming out sooner rather

    than later? I can wait a few months if it means a newer model.



  9. Ah, 2 semesters of Photography for the course I am taking, but sadly, just shooting building and barely touched still lifes. Was more a course to get familiar with cameras and thats about it. Design/Composition of the shot well, kinda goes hand in hand with the rest of the course. But I know I enjoy it, but hate the fact that with my 35mm camera I can't experiment as much... if I want to play with Depth of Field shots, I don't know if the shot worked until developed, plus, cost of film and developing for photos I don't plan to ever use, just wanted to try things out... hence the shift towards digital.
  10. Ah (Garth Leach) I'm in Ontario, Canada...


    eBay I think would be out, few bad past experiences for sure, though if on eBay from Ontario I'd consider it. Though, my friend works at a local camera shop and gets 1 big purchase discount a year, she's buying a camera next year so I may buy the 30D with her discount, I think she said 15% off. :)


    Though be at least 2-3 months... my classes end Apr 27th, then I work full time again, so... ya... :)

  11. Oh I assume those were USA prices a few messages back...


    Here the camera body only, no lens


    30D - $1399.99

    XTi - $949.99


    Though I want to get the kit with the 18-55mm lens... I currently have used lens', 28-90mm and 75-300mm... for my level, they do the job. :)

  12. hmm, well... here's hoping the lens' I have will work if/when I get the Canon 30D...


    If going for a used camera... if there one comparable? I saw mention of a 20D in the thread, as well as 350/450D's... I gather the lower the number the better the camera... ?

  13. Ah that's good...


    Being a student, again the 5D is ideal, but very tight budget, hence the BIG debate over the approx. $300 difference. I currently have a 35mm Rebel Ti, with the standard 28-90mm and a 75-300mm lens, EF mount so wanting a Canon so I can use the lens' on both cameras.


    Being in Graphic Design, I may be shooting a still life of a bowl of fruit today, and tomorrow shooting cars racing by... so, hence the post, I'd hate to have bought one camera out of cheapness and ignorance, and a year from now realized had I have paid the extra $300, I'd have been able to have done more with it.


    Figured best post, although learning from ones mistakes is a good way to learn, this way is a cheaper lesson. :)


    Speaking of lessons, hoping the people at the local camera shops weren't just making a sale... but, the two lens' I have, both EF mounts, AF and MF focussing, and they have a red dot for lining up when switching lens'... I was told the red dot means it'll work on both 35mm and digital, whereas the white dot means 35mm only... that true?


    Not the best len's at this point, but all I can afford for a while. :)

  14. Wow.... never had that many replies that fast to a post before, my head is spinning. :)


    Though the 1 main thing that I am still having the debate over, is the 30D's 8.2mp vs the XTi's 10.1mp. Construction and advanced speeds and such seem to stack in the 30D's favour, the self cleaning thing is cool on the XTi for sure...


    But, at the end of the day, when taking photos in a studio, or macro shots up close with a tripod, isn't it better to have the 10.1mp?

  15. Just curious, been eyeing up digital and see that the 30D is more than the

    XTi... yet, the 30D is an 8.2mp vs the 10.1mp XTi, and the XTi has that self

    cleaning option to it....


    I know I must be missing something....


    Can anyone tell me why the 30D costs about $300 more and why it would be

    chosen over top of the XTi?


    I'm a student, or else I'd get the 5D...


    Being a student I am also cheap (not by choice) so was looking at the XTi

    pricewise, but if there is some reason why the 30D would be a better choice

    I'd like to know... I'm a Graphic Design student, ending 1st yr and want a

    camera that will last me many years, even when starting to work... again the

    5D would be great... but... it's a bit out of my price range.



  16. So... does anyone know which battery I should get?


    Like model numbers and such?


    This SRT102 will be very rarely used, regular film, probably 100ISO BW, or 400ISO Colour, no slides... I have the 35mm lens on it now but want to use this camera for the macro closeups...


    So, won't get heavy use from it at all... though still trying to locate a Canadian place to get it cleaned, aligned and such...



  17. So the Wein Cells aren't worth a poop then... whats the standard 1.5v replacement?


    I won't be shooting any slide film with this camera... I have a new(ish) Canon Rebel, with a standard 28-90mm and now a 75-300mm lens on it which I'll use for most of my stuff. However, I like the Minolta camera and the lens' are cheaper so wanted to use it for macro closeup work, get a few cheap lens' off eBay type deal and save money that way. So... would be 50/50 black and white, and colour with 100ISO film being used.

  18. I noticed a few people saying to convert the batteries to the modern ones, due

    tho the while mercury thing... how about these... I can get them for $10CAN at

    a local store and claim to work. I know some other batteries fit but wrong

    voltage and such and mess up the light meters etc.. however these claim to

    work the same.


    Upside is, camera works without a battery anyway... still, nice to have a

    light meter.




    Also, anyone know of any Canadian places to get the SRT-102 looked at? Hoping

    to stay local for shipping reasons, as well, the person recommended in other

    posts for this Camera has never responded and I believe lives in the USA.



  19. I noticed a few people saying to convert the batteries to the modern ones, due tho the while mercury thing... how about these... I can get them for $10CAN at a local store and claim to work. I know some other batteries fit but wrong voltage and such and mess up the light meters etc.. however these claim to work the same.


    Upside is, camera works without a battery anyway... still, nice to have a light meter.




    Also, anyone know of any Canadian places to get the SRT-102 looked at? Hoping to stay local for shipping reasons, as well, the person recommended in other posts for this thread has never responded.



  20. Ha, the guy must be good if I got 2 posts with his name in them. :)


    I'll have to email and check, but being on a buget and owning a newer Canon now, as much as I liked the old Minolta, if costs too much to ship and clean then it's a no go. Local shop here wanted I think $80 minimum to send it off for a basic cleaning and 6-8 weeks wait, since I was starting school (one course is photography) I had to buy a newer one (used).


    But I like the old one, new ones have no weight to them and just don't feel solid... :)

  21. I have my Father's old SRT-102 camera, 1yr older than I am... seems to work

    fine, though I had a few issues cleaning it.


    Camera noobie here, at any rate, there is some sorta shutter inside the

    camera, metal, with a black foam edge on it, and I guess after all these years

    that black foam goo-ified and put a tar like smudge over the inside lens (not

    the mirror, the part with the circle on it). So was unusable.


    Finally decided to get a QTip and solvent in there and it's pretty clean after

    a lot of work. However, I can see a small little dust/hair BEHIND it... lens

    cap, inside a case for all these years and still, dust gets everywhere. :)


    Any suggestions or at this point is it up to a pro to fix?


    Also... what lens mount system does it use? I heard that any Minolta manual

    focus lens will work on it, unlike Nikon and Canon that have varying mounts...

    is this true?


    I have a Canon Rebel that I use as my primary camera, but was thinking of

    having the Minolta for the lens's I can't afford for the Canon, like a close

    up macro and a wide angle, eBay of course....




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