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Posts posted by stavros_vogiatzis

  1. Thank you for the answers every one.


    Ken, as I leave in Greece, with its long summers, it is very hard to work in the dark room, which at present has 31 C. Therefore the JOBO method in very convenient and also saves me water. You are very right about the highlights, this is something that I have started to work out slowly. I like acutance developers over fine grain and I think the �old� formulas have a better �character� then the new stuff that sometimes looks like plastic.


    Best regards


  2. I am surprised that not many people talk about the Microdol-X 1+3 combination. I have been using it lately with the 6X7 format along with APX100 and HP5+ and so far the results are very promising, there is definitely a good balance between acutance - fine grain - and gradation. I would like to share my experience with any one who likes to know more about, plus I can scan and send you a sample picture too. Any feedback from another user on this combo would be highly appreciated.

    Best regards, Stavros

  3. I use the AGFA APX 100, 120 roll in combination with the German made

    TETENAL - NEOFIN BLUE. It's a one shot developer that makes per

    bottle 500 ml. working solution. It maintains a small grain and very

    high sharpness in detail, it also well balances the highlights and

    shadows. It's worth testing it. Check the TETENAL.COM site. I used

    Rodinal too but found NEOFIN much butter. Good luck !


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