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Posts posted by alejandro_gulminelli

  1. <p>Hi there!<br>

    I bought a LS8000 scanner in eBay. I fugured out how to make it work since it came with the motor shaf coupler broken.<br>

    Now I am runnig some tests and found the problem you can see here:<br>

    <img src="http://ufpd.com.ar/digireflex/ls8000/scan800.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    If I use Nikon Scan in normal mode I get this strange bands. If I turn Fine Scan on they completely dispaear.<br>

    With Vuescan no bands at all.<br>

    I think is some kind of mecahnical vibration, but not sure.<br>

    Any tip would be greatly apreciated.<br>


    Alejandro (Argemtina)<br>

    <img src="http://ufpd.com.ar/digireflex/ls8000/scancrop.jpg" alt="" /></p>


  2. <p>I am testing a second hand Nikon Coolscan LS8000.<br>

    With Vuescan it works despite the mess about frame spacing and offset<br>

    With Nikon scan (I tried both Mac and XP) the scanner refuses to work. I insert the carrier, it is correctly loaded but after few seconds the green ligh start to blink and the carrier is ejected.<br>

    I think it could be that vuescan does not sense the type of holder you are using and Nikon Sacn yes.<br>

    Any kind of help will be greatly apreciated, I reside in Argentina and there is not a Nikon Scanner service here<br>



  3. Made my day too!


    Olympus OM1, Leica M3, Leica CL, Horizon Kompakt, Widelux F6, Hasselblad 503cw, Fujifilm GA645i, Canon EOS 30D, Canon EOS 400D, Canon G7, Canon PRIMA A1, and some 10 lenses for them, all in less than 6 months!!!! Do I need profesional help?

  4. I found your article very interesting. In my way back to analog from digital I am using Hassy, Leica and a Epson 4490 scanner. The scanning from MF is FAR better than 35 mm, I think mostly because my scanner is not good enough. But MF is giving me the results I want.

    It is amazing the difference betwen TechPan and Tmax, unfortunately it has been discontinuated


    Thanks for your work, very useful to all of us




  5. Hi, I am new to the Leica and to the RF world. I first bought a CL and last

    week a M3.

    Since I use glasses I am not sure if a RF is the ideal camera for me.

    I just developed a roll took with the CL and found several pictures out of

    focus, and I am sure I precisely focus them.

    What I found is the second image (the center) in the CL vary its position

    depending where I put mi eye. I tried to test the CL focus very carefully and

    near allways I found differences between the real distance and the one

    indicated in the lens barrel. Aproximately 10 o 20 %

    With the M3 it doesnt happen at all, no matter where I put my eye the distances

    are allways correct.

    I am in the situation that I dont trust the CL focus, I love the camera but I

    think may be is a problem with the focus calibration despite the camera in an

    extremely mint condition.

    Another issue is that I must take out my glasses to see the entire RF covered

    area. In the extremely beautyfull M3 RF, when wearing my glasses I can barely

    see the 50mm framelines.

    Any tip? Sould my CL needs adjustment?

    Sorry about my english, thanks in advance





  6. Hi, I own a Epson 4490. I agree with the previous poster. Quality is good enough for MF but not for 35mm. An example in: http://unafotopordia.blogspot.com/2007/03/una-buena-foto.html (click the image for a big scan) And you can see in the other posts of this blog the 35mm result: http://unafotopordia.blogspot.com/index.html I wonder if the V750 is worth 3 times the investiment I already made with my 4490 Regards Alejandro
  7. Hi, I have an Epson 4490 and found the results acceptable but not optimal. I want a dedicated film scanner. Anybody knows wich MF scanner is available for $1000?

    One question more: what is RA4? my last color copies were made un the ?70s so I am a little out of contact with modern color technology




  8. Thanks for your answer

    It is impossible to find Perceptol locally (Argentina)

    Las night I tried another FP4 with HC110, dilution H(half the B dilution) for 9 minutes with 5 sec mild agitation for each minute

    I got very small grain, but some wash look again. I will scan the negatives today to se the real results


    Best regards



  9. Sorry if this question sound a little silly to many of you:


    I am coming back to BW film, few rolls processed.

    I tried TMAX 100 and 400, tri-x, HP5 and FP4 looking for quality images.

    I got good contrast negatives with TRI-X adn HP5. But with tmax and FP4 most

    images look something like washed. An example is


    First I used D76 then switch to HC110 with similar results.

    The questions are:


    Is contrast a factor related to ISO sentivity?


    More develop times means less contrast?


    Is grain direct proportional to contrast?


    Thanks a lot



  10. Hi!


    I need help. I am coming back to BW photography 2 or 3 amonths in the way.

    I took several rolls: TMAX100, TMAX400, FP4, HP5

    First started to develop with D76, then tried HC110 for its convenience.

    I cannot obtain the results I want, the main problem is with grain.


    With HC110 I agitate the tank 5 seconds every 30 secons. Is that recomendable?

    How har the shaking needs to be?


    I also need help with developing times, for HC110 and the films mentioned above


    Thanks in advance, have a nice week end




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