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victor r

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Image Comments posted by victor r

    LADY D***U

    Hey! Every time I come across a great nude study, there is someone with a czech name behind it. The Czech photographic school is unmistakably recognised by the careful lighting and the ability and determination of a photographer to go beyond the commonly accepted routine posing.The title you have chosen is as provocative as the model's pose but to my humble opinion an elderly lady posing for this shot would have suited the title better.Best of luck. Nikolai.
  1. Hello again. I guess I have already said everythihg I wanted to say.A good photograph is not for commenting,a good photograpg is for contemplating and enjoying. The only thing that really bothers me is the size limited to a computer screen.I wish it were a large animated 3D image with sounds and smells to go with it. :-)


    A very good portrait, nice lighting, the background makes the model stand out.If I may venture my opinion of what I would have done different,I would have taken off the necklace - very distracting from the model's eyes.

    Trapped #3

    Well, it is actually hard to say what this picture means or what story it may tell now. The deed has been done and I or the viewer can only fantisize about what has been implied by the author or try to read between the,...ummm, pixels? But the real story behind these pictures is very, I guess, mundane is the right word. When I first met him as a teacher of english, Richard was 7,very withdrawn,feeling very self-consious about stupid thigs, really, like his name, his surname, the colour of his skin, being non-russian among russians. BTW These nationalistic feelings seem to prevail in my country these days(Russia for russians,you know,...pathetic... and kids in school can be really cruel to each other...sad...).He was quite unable to cope with this unnecessary burden with the result that he lagged behind at shool, was very slow on the intake, had no friends. I ment this photo-session to be "therapeutic" to some extent,to help him bring himself out,to bring home the idea that he is no worse, but the same or even better than many.His involvement and dedication was 200%.I think he was simply extatic about being the center of attention and doing something that big. He changed. Maybe he grew out of it, maybe "therapy" worked - I do not know but at least now I do not hear him complaining about his nationality background.His parents are from Abhasia, great people with great traditions. That is the story. I just felt like telling it.

    Trapped #3

    I noticed it for the first time now that you have mentioned it.But it is his real hand.Do you think this little assymetry gets in the way of perception or is distracting in a way?



    I think,you are a terrific father, Mauricio! Only a photographer with a lot of love in his heart could have taken this photo! My respect.


    Trapped #3


    This is the last one in the "Trapped" series.The category choice is

    intentional because it perfectly reflects the character of the model

    to whom I am no end greatful.


    Privet, Andrey. This is one great moment well captured ! I hope it wasn't you this girl was scared of ! Or maybe it was your attention that made her forgot what she was upset about. BTW is it you reflected in her eyes ?


    There is too much sexuality exuded in the eyes and face, a challenge almost. If it hadn't been for this, I would have thought it was Sturges' work. And I think hands are missing.

    Trapped #2


    This is the second image of the three in the "Trapped" series I

    intend to show here. All benefits go to Richard, a brave little kid

    without whose eagerness and honest dedication these pictures would

    never have been taken.


    Thank you again, Fred. I am afraid I didn't have the chance to explore the portfolios of all those who rated and critiqued my pictures. I will return the hospitality as soon as I iron out all the kinks with my new e-net provider.)
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