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Image Comments posted by martin.huch

    Another Hailstone


    Another Hailstone. The initial grain is nicely visible. The outer

    shells have grown in ups and downs in the athmosphere. I kept it in

    the deep freeze for some monthes before taking the image, so its a

    little bit distorted.

  1. I thougt a lot how to put this in scene, but had no better idea than

    this. Honestly, I believe there must be a better way, but who can tell

    me how?

    (Scanning quality is also poor, but this is due to high speed B&W

    film, doesn't work well with my LS2000).



    Incredible! Impressing!

    Was the shot like this or - how was the raw image and how did you post process this?

    Would be quite interesting for me to learn how to get to such a photo.

  2. Anybody can take this picture.I'ts a duct cover on

    the east side  of the Golden Gate Bridge.

    In 1997/98 I lived in the States for six months and took

    quite a bunch of pictures there. But this particular one

    like no other symbolizes America to me.


    Its tough.

    Its steel.

    Its pride.


    Here in Germany nobody would even think of

    casting "BRD" on a duct cover.

    That's the difference.

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