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Image Comments posted by danscool

  1. sorry, but i don't see whats so funny, All i was trying to do is get other peoples view of this image, and wheather or not it wil look better or not without it, i personally don't think it does, see what it looks like below, i don't know what you think, but it doesn't seem to have the same sort of power to it, if you know what i mean, maybe you could comment again Karl and let us know which 1 you think is better, cheers, Dan

  2. I think that the pole in the middle of the photo right in the front

    helps give the photo depth of feild, however people have said if i

    removed it digitally it would look better, but i don't know, what do

    you think, comments and ideas most welcomed. and another thing what

    genre does this come under? i assumed landscape but it could be a

    load of things, cheers Dan

  3. This is a simple image however it is really quite effective as it gets you thinking why is there a peir in the middle of nowhere? how far is the land, where is the boat? is there a boat? the title is good as well as it gets you thinking more about the hidden meaning rather then just concentrating on the physical photograph, well it got me thinking. or i could have interperded it completly different to nick. But one of the joys of photography is nothing is wrong.
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