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Posts posted by fotografya

  1. <p>Recently an idea surfaced in my mind that it has no use or value for me to make photographs with expensive equipment and editing software. I feel like when I make a photograph as it is ( low quality cameras, no editing, film or digital whatever , etc.) and with the help of my luck ( appropiate light conditions, suitable subject + composition , again everything is as it is ) everything seems to be better although a smaller ratio of my work can be defined as good job. I am happier, and more in love with my work although . This is how I feel, so how do you?</p>
  2. <p>Yes, of course. 1st one was a Lubitel in which I also learned film bathing. It was an excellent experience and I've had a very excited audience watching me in action.Looking through out the TLR screen, trying to focus with the loupe. Winding the film like I was controlling a space shuttle, dark red film number watch screen on the behind, shooting with cable release was a great pleasure for me in the toy camera format .Then I discovered I could double exposure each frame and my first artistic negatives came out. In 1989, twelve ages was I, during the first days of USSRs freedom chaos. Freedom not always comes out with sorrows. :)</p>
  3. <p>Great job, good experience. I am (was) a Zorki { by ebay terms Zopkuu :) } lover , but buried my love half alive six feet under after dealing with a couple of Zorki series. They are indeed good looking cameras, make you feel like holding a Leica but when it comes to work the curtains of the show close (not really). Oh my pretty ,little, heavy Zorkis, RIP...</p>
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