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Posts posted by rubens_t_vora

  1. <p>Dear,<br>

    I decided trade a Tokina AT-X 80-400mm (LN) to a wide angle. Nikon Mount (D2H).<br>

    I am afford to the range of U$ 600 to 800. Questions:<br>

    My pupose is nature and architecture photography. Don't need fast lens, but excellent optics. No restrictions over zoom or fixed lens.<br>

    a) What lens to puchase, taking is advanced that I will upgrade to a FX - D700 in near future?<br>

    I saw some review over:<br>

    Nikon <strong>12</strong>-<strong>24mm</strong> F/4 g Ed-if Af-s Dx , <br>

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/nikon--nikkor-aps-c-lens-tests/310-sigma-af-12-24mm-f45-56-ex-hsm-dg-lab-test-report--review">Sigma AF 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 EX HSM DG</a> </p>

    <p>Thanks for help, Rubens</p>

  2. <p>Dear guys,<br>

    After reading this review I would ask:<br>

    a) Is this device could sync and assemble speedlights and strobes at same time?<br>

    b) I have a SU-800 commander and works with infrared with a few limitations, wich is - don't sync with strobes and have less performance in distance and over walls. So, is this a big deal change the plataform from Su-800 to this new models? <br>

    <a href="http://strobist.blogspot.com/2009/02/pocketwizard-flextt5-and-minitt1-full.html">http://strobist.blogspot.com/2009/02/pocketwizard-flextt5-and-minitt1-full.html</a><br>

    Thanks, Rubens</p>

  3. <p>Dear,<br>

    As far as I know, without CLS systems you may consider shutter speed limited to 1/250 ( in my case - using D2H ). Seraching into WEB I found a transmitter that amy be able to beat this limitation. But I found this article more complicated than I am up to.<br>

    <a href="http://www.paulcbuff.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6176">http://www.paulcbuff.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6176</a><br>

    They say that: " Unfortunately you cannot achieve these results with newer cameras that use CMOS sensors and no electronic sensor control. There you are limited to the camera's "max flash sync speed" of typically 1/200 to 1/250 second) "<br>

    How is this related to my D2H? D2H is not really a intact CMOS,, and I not sure about eletronic sensor!<br>

    Simon, may be you can post an opinion about this article!<br>

    Tks, Rubens</p>

  4. <p><strong>Nikon D2H</strong><br>

    Reading some advantages of Rear Sync Curtain, I decided to use it in my camera.<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.cs.mtu.edu/%7Eshene/DigiCam/User-Guide/EXT-FLASH/BASICS/Front-Rear-Sync.html" target="_blank">(link)</a> <br /> For low speed - continuous low light at studio - <strong>does it brings advantages?</strong> . I mean dealing with a model that won't be so quiet as we expect.<br /> <strong>How to setup Rear Sync Curtain into my D2H?</strong> ( With SU800, SB600 and SB800)<br /> Couldn't find reading the manual!<br>

    Tks For Help! Rubens</p>

  5. <p><strong>Nikon D2H</strong></p>

    <p>Reading some advantages of Rear Sync Curtain, I decided to use it in my camera.<br>


    For low speed - continuous low light at studio - <strong>does it brings advantages?</strong> . I mean dealing with a model that won't be so quiet as we expect.<br>

    <strong>How to setup Rear Sync Curtain into my D2H?</strong> ( With SU800, SB600 and SB800)<br>

    Couldn't find reading the manual!</p>

    <p>Tks For Help! Rubens</p>

  6. <p><strong>I am lookin for a RF trigger package.</strong><br>

    Does anybody have any comments over Paul C Buff trigger family - "CyberSync". Including one COmmander that can ( ” Its extremely low delay of 1/4000 second allows sync speeds as short as 1/2500 second on cameras capable of fast sync speed") fast Sync. <strong>Is this compatible with my D2H?</strong> <br>

    <strong>Any other Brand with reasanable prices? To setup 03 strobes that don't have recievers built-in, do I need 01 transmitter and 01 receiver ? ( thinking in triggering other ones with photo cells )</strong> </p>

    <p><strong>Tks, for help! Rubens<br /> </strong> </p>

  7. Hi Walter,

    Very pleased with your attention. Anyway, there is no standardization for this concepts as far as I red. To jpg no dobts about. DNG is not adopted entirely and TIFF is a desired for most opinions. In fact, after 10 books reviwed each author has a diffrent aproach betwen TIFF and DNG.


    Thanks, Rubens

  8. Hi walter,


    Sorry for my misunderstanding. In fact and directly to the point, There is some compression in TiFF format and either in DNG format. So doesn't it effect your final resolution, that affects even your final printing? If doe not we were using JPeg for every shots. Thanks!

  9. Dear,


    After reading some excellent reviews from "Fine Art Printing" Uwe Steinmueller and Juergen Gulbins, I think this

    book must be seeing for those whoe really want understand in low level the best technics. But there were a important

    missing in this book. What are the best steps to preserv the best integrity from Raw files and them print.


    If you in Lightroom and could send your Raw file directly to printer is one option. In second, you can choose edit in

    Lightroom and go thru Photoshop in TIFF convertion. And third way is export in DNG thru bridge and still in

    photoshop. Question - Could anyone rate this ways, aproaching best printing resolution?


    Thanks, Rubens

  10. Dear, Who can answer this question:


    a) If I deveide to trigger my 02 SB600 with a radio trigger, How it can be done? Any Hot shoe adapter can be fixed or

    am I going to use any especific?


    Thanks, Rubens

  11. Dear,


    By the way, I have a dobt about the difference betwen 1/3 step increments thru -3.0 to + 3.0 EV is that you can see

    over the SU-800 and than you gong to find in manual mode you start from 1/8 to 1/128.


    No dobts about 1/3 incements, but if you are in maual mode at 1/1, this equals to 0 EV? And them, still in manual

    mode, when decrements occurs from 1/8 to 1/128 how much power do we loose over each down step ? -1 EV ?


    Thanks, Rubens

  12. Hi Frank,


    It is been a plasure have you as a pro-moderator over here. Thanks


    By the way, I have a dobt about the difference betwen 1/3 step increments thru -3.0 to + 3.0 EV is that you can see over the SU-800 and than you gong to find in manual mode you start from 1/8 to 1/128.


    No dobts about 1/3 incements, but if you are in maual mode at 1/1, this equals to 0 EV? And them, still in manual mode, when decrements occurs from 1/8 to 1/128 how much power do we loose over each down step ? -1 EV ?


    Thanks, Rubens

  13. Hi Frank, You were really clear and helpfull on those topics and give a best idea for this scenario. My final dobt after reading Kirk Tuck book is : SU800 uses infrared pulses with faint white pre-flashes. Are they visible to optical slaves? Otherwise , as you sad I will stay with nikon models.


    Thanks a Lot, Rubens

  14. Dear Dennis and Richard,


    Thanks for your attention. As far as I know, SU800 doesn't use pre-flashes to set-up speedlights but Infrared. It happens only when using Sb-800 as commander. So that is why I'm truly convinced that lights trigged from either Sb-800 or Sb600 will trigger any Wein slave.

    Tks, Rubens

  15. Dear,


    I already have a commander SU800 and Two Nikon's SB600 an SB800. Considering this pack, I will need extra

    speedlights - not Nikons - Vivitar 285HV and might work in manual mode and triggered.


    How to do it? - With Wein Peanut Slave atttached? There is two models avaiable - PN and PND. Are they capable?


    Thanks, Rubens

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