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Posts posted by animalexplorer

  1. 08-18-2018


    To both fellow artist and photographers,


    I was alerted by a person that my images were possibly being used on a site without my permission. I investigated the claim and turns out it was true. I immediately wrote a cease and desist email to the offending site. I also made contact with their hosting site Shopify who express a strong belief that copyrights should be protected. I lodged a complaint and got immediate positive results. It is our intellectual property that is being taken advantage of and we need to shut down these sites. Shopify has a repeated offense policy that will shut down any of it's client's site(s) if they continually repeat and violate the rules. I strongly urge fellow photographers and artist to make their own personal investigation into the possible usage of your images. They have over 365 pages containing over 4,380 of some incredible photos's and art. The art may be small images, I'm guessing they are possibly enlarging the images through an interpolation algorithm using a photo editing program. It's not as good as the larger original size but enough to make them big enough to do what they are doing and get away with it.


    Email I received from representative of offending site:


    Dear friend,

    I am sorry about that. We used the photo on google, we don't know who is the owner. it is the reason why did not ask for permission.

    We removed it now.

    Pls rest assured.



    Have a great day! I'm looking forward to our next interaction in the future. We are always here to help you. Thank you very much!

    Best regards,




    Offending site is Monkstars.com:






    I would like to acknowledge the fast expeditious results of Shopify's team for enforicng their policy. I am thankful for their cooperation.


    We work together we can shut down Mokstars. Please post and alert other photo and art sites, share with your friends.





  2. <p>I was not talking about critiques but technical advice instead, if it were critiques I would listen to the majority. This isn't about being able to observe the best basketball player on the team, it's about getting good technical advice from the best basketball player on the team. One's accomplishments seems more significant than words, but when you take the two and combine them it equals great advice. I'm not a great basketball player and I dont know much about the sport itself, but if I were to take advice from anybody I would choose Michael Jordan simply because he's one of the professionals that did it right. Yes, I do approach it as a "Take it or leave it situation", but I find that I learn better from people who have excellent images in their portfolio or their personal website, photographers that do it right. I appreciate everyone that contributed to this post, I'll also keep in mind not to shut anyone out. I have learned from you that it is better to get advice than no advice at all. Thank you for your time.<br>

    Paul :)</p>

  3. <p>I am somewhat hesitant to follow a lot of advice without the proof, a lot of it can mean dead-end results while very little advice might prove otherwise. There are quite a few people who comment leaving suggestions on how to do anything on photo.net but when I go look at their portfolio I see nothing posted? No images? Where's the proof from their results? Why would I want advice from someone who might own the greatest camera on the planet but might never use it? For all I know they might not even own a camera at all, or maybe I'm listening to a person who only uses point and shoot disposible cameras. I like to see people who make comments also have images posted in their gallery as it is a way for me to confirm are they for real or just waisting peoples time.<br>


  4. <p>I have been going down into Central and South America for over 5 years with Nikon's D100, 200 and 300 and I have never had failure, I have contended with humidity in the jungle before but it has never really been a major issue. Usually I just take the camera out of my pack way ahead of time before shooting to let the camera's body and lens acclimate to the ambient temperatures and the build up of humidity doesn't occur.<br>

    Paul :)</p>

  5. Why ask for opinions on acquiring a new camera, the camera specs says it all, compare with what you have, if it offers a chance for better quality I'd say go for it. After you talk to Mr.Turtle maybe you should ask Mr.Owl, after all he know's exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.


    Paul :)

  6. Hi David,<br><br>

    As long as the flash's lighting can reach over the barrel of the lens and not cast shadow from the end of the lens creating a unwanted partial shadowed effect in the final results you'll be fine.<br>


    I use remote flash sometimes, where I dont even have to worry about that problem at all. You should be able to find a flash mount for the gimble tripod if not jerry-rig it.


    Paul :)

  7. Hi Charles,

    Even with a fast piece of glass you may have to settle for the higher ISO setting, it depends on the effect your trying to achieve, do you want movement or do you want frozen subjects, and then there is the lighting scenario, What kind of lights? How much light do they produce? What is the distance from the subject(s). I agree, flash isn't always the greatest, but sometimes when using as a fill flash it can produce nice results. I'm not much of a person to help you as I am more an outdoor photographer, I can tell you this though, keep experimenting and eventually you'll end up with the right formula and good luck!


    Paul :)

  8. Great shots Joseph! I have a similiar set-up D300 + 200-400/4 VR and I love using the 200/400 F4 all my subjects succumb and bow before thy mighty lens!(lol) just kidding :) Anyway I am working more on fast moving objects and always looking for advice. Your posting brought me here. What is your ideal ISO setting when photographing fast movement in both full sun vs. slight overcast?



    Pauk :)

  9. Fantastic image, the quality of this photo is impeccable IMHO. Fast moving subjects are becoming more fascinating to me as I have mostly photographed still images and want to learn more, especially from people who know what they are doing.


    What was the ISO setting? and was the sun out in full or was their slight overcast?



    Paul :)

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