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Posts posted by ar1

  1. I can't believe I can't find a digicam even close to my requests... I just want a very small, fast and simple digicam, you know, the kind that a photojournalist would take with him in vacation. I don't need shutter lag, large displays and vf which eat batteries, huge (and dark) zooms, face detection (!), movie recording (w sound!), and so on... And MF is always on stupid buttons - why not the old ring on the lens? Isn't there a sort of "digital Canonet"? Wouldn't be expensive, nor complicated to build. I don't understand... I think I'm getting old.
  2. Hi all,


    I want to buy a point and shoot digital camera. Since I don't have much

    experience in "digital world", would you please recommend me a camera? All that

    I need is:


    -a compact, pocketable camera<br><br>

    -short shutter lag is a must!<br><br>

    -manual exposure feature<br><br>

    -manual focus feature<br><br>

    -fast auto-focus<br><br>

    -optical viewfinder<br><br>

    -fast lens, f2.8 or faster would be nice<br><br>

    -2x or 3x zoom would be enough, something like 24-70mm (35mm equivalent); fixed

    lens would be also OK, 35 to 50mm (35mm equivalent)<br><br>

    -able to record tiff or raw<br><br>


    Thanks a lot!

  3. I finally decided on Rodinal 1:50, 6.5 min at 20C. The film came out fine, it's hard to tell the difference between it and one exposed at 400 ISO. There is some base fog, but again I always get this from Rodinal and the new Tri-X.


    Thank you all for the advices!

  4. Dear friends,


    I have a roll of Tri-X 400 (the 'new' version, code 400TX) shot at ISO 100 by

    mistake :( . I have only 4 developers availabe: HC-110, X-tol, Rodinal, and

    Ilfosol-S. What is the processing time in any of these chemicals? The only time

    I found (on digitaltruth.com) is 7.5 min at 20C in Rodinal 1+50. Can anybody

    confirm this? It's quite an important roll.



  5. Hello,


    I'm tired of searching on Google about this... Maybe there is somebody who can

    help me:


    I need a rangefinder to shoot in low-light. I'm too lazy to meter, so I would

    like an auto-exposure camera. The lightmeter should be able to work with ISO1600

    or ISO3200 films. Fixed-lens (no baionet or screw mount) would be OK too, 35mm

    to 45mm. And of course, the lens has to be fast, f2 or faster. It may be an old

    camera, does not matters - it just has to work with batteries avalable today.


    Does anybody knows which RF would fit these requests?


    Thanks a lot!

  6. I finally managed to find the right tools to open the lens. The bracket was OK and after loosened its screw nothing happened. I even took it off, with no results. After some force applied to the barrel I managed to have the focusing ring loosened, but only to jam again in seconds. Now is even stiffer. There is a large helicoid inside, used to move the optical system back and forth for focusing. The problem may be there, the helicoid feels wear out and it stalls. Well, that's it, I guess is time to declare this lens as dead. RIP
  7. Hello,


    The last weekend I borrowed an EF 35mm f2 from a friend to shoot an assignment.

    It was pretty cold outside, around freezing, dense fog but no rain or dust.

    After some hours the AF started to make strange noises and in short time it

    jammed completely. I tried to switch to MF but I was unable to turn the the

    focusing ring in any direction. I left the lens inside an office to warm up, but

    useless - still jammed.


    Now I have to pay for the lens, but what concerns me is that I was thinking to

    buy a copy for myself. I wonder if this lens has AF issues (like some 50mm/f1.4

    use to have) or I just was unlucky that day. Do you have similar experiences

    with your 35mm/f2?


    Thank you for your time.

  8. Hello,


    Does anybody knows whether the TS-E 45mm f2.8 with a 72->77mm step-up ring

    attached will still accept its lens hood? The hood is EW-79BII, so its back

    diameter is 79mm. I'm asking this because all my lenses are on 77mm and I'm

    wondering if I'll be able to use my existing filters on this lens.



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