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Posts posted by louisekennedy

  1. I recently brought the 18-200 with me on a trip to China. I enjoyed it for the big shots

    (great wall, etc) but I found that I needed something that would perform in lower light, so I

    found myself putting my 24mm 2.8 on most of the time, and saving the 18-20 for shots

    where I needed to zoom. the 24 was a great performer out in the streets. I left my 18-70

    at home.


    I'm not a big fan of the 18-200, but then I wasn't a great fan of the 18-70. I like it more

    than the 18-70, it's an overall better lens. It's definately a keeper, and I would probably

    bring it with me on a trip just in case. But I doubt I'll leave it on my camera as many have

    said they do when they travel.

  2. buy!


    I have the 50mm 1.4, and I recently needed to take some simple passport shots. I pulled up a

    white background, put the camera on a tripod, sat my husband down in front of the white

    background, and shot away thinking I'd get an image that would pass the passport

    requirements. What i got was a series of stunning portraits, abeit face on. There was

    something very Chuck Close about the images.


    I love the 50 mm as a portrait lens on my D200. It's a joy to use.

  3. I had a D70s, and just upgraded to the D200 knowing that likely there is a new model

    around the corner, whether it be 3 months or 9 months. I am very happy I upgraded to the

    D200. It's a different camera altogether and I'm very happy with it. I doubt that I would

    need to upgrade again for some years to come unless I turn completely pro in which case I

    would leave the prosumers behind and go for what ever the latest pro level is. I really

    enjoy the D200. Now I can focus on getting some more glass.


    When I bought my G4 PB 14 months ago, the mac rumours were flying about the new G5

    lap top. I bought my G4 laptop and held my breath expecting the new G5 to be out. I

    waited, and waited, and it never happened. this year they came out with the new

    macbookpro intel core duo. In the mean time I got a good two years use out of my G4

    workhorse and it's made me a good living. Next year I'll get a new laptop, and I expect

    what ever model I buy will be a workhorse for two years or so. But the purchase, like the

    upgrade to the D200, will be based on need, and not want.

  4. I love the 24mm f2.8. On a recent trip overseas, I found that it was my lens of choice most of

    the time. It has a nice low profile, great for low light areas, and good and sharp. I prefer it

    almost to a zoom lens. If i need to get closer, I move forward. Simple. I used it with the d200,

    and have used it with a D70. I'm sure the D80 will be a nice match for this lens.

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