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Image Comments posted by ajpch

    flooded trees


    loved the light on the trees and suddeness of them stopping on the water. They shouldn't be

    in water (lots of Gloucestershire is flooded at the moment). Would be grateful for any

    feedback. Thanks for looking

  1. I am based nr. Stow on the Wold, England and currently a lot of the area has suffered from

    flooding. These fields would normally be just luscious green with buttercups and sheep

    filling them. Now there is just the rain. Very strange.

  2. Marrakech is an amazing city! Something going on everywhere. Very hard to get good

    pictures as the light is so stong during the day and then early morning and late evening when

    the sun is low and the light is best - the light is lost completely behind the high walls.

    Therefore I ventured into trying to capture various street scenes and this was fairly typical.

    Thanks for looking.

  3. The walls around the Medina (old town) of Marrakech are beautiful.

    They are a vivid orange/terracotta colour and filled with holes from

    where the scaffolding used to be. However with temperatures

    exceding 40 degrees centigrade the holes were left to help ventilate

    the walls. It is really quite something to see. Hope you like it

    in black and white.

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