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Posts posted by tournesol

  1. Reminds me of when I used to live near Los Angeles, and before the stricter automobile emission standards,

    there was usually a brown cloud over most of Los Angeles. Some times of the day, you can taste the air.



    OK, so this is not smog. To demonstrate this more clearly, I have attached a new image where you clearly see the 3-4 vertical bands across the image.


    That is a color hue. They are more easily seen in light colors like that bright sky if the hue is not heavy.


    To remove the yellow, just simply use the "Hue and Saturation" slider in Photoshop, or there might be a correction slider in your NikonScan software


    How would you suggest I apply the hue adjustment? I'd have to paint a mask using brushes, I assume - if I just apply the adjustment uniformly to the whole image it will not deal with the issue, and will impact the rest of the image in an unwanted way.



  2. I am scanning old negatives with my Coolscan V ED. On many of the negatives, I am getting banding or patches of (most often yellowish) discoloration. I suspect this is a result of the negatives having been stored under too warm conditions. An example of the discoloration can be seen in the attached image - it is a yellow band going across from left to right, on top of the tree and sky.


    I am looking for any tips/hints from people about methods I could use in post-processing to reduce or remove these colour casts. I have experimented with some techniques in darktable but not found one that works well. Happy to take example techniques from folks for other software as well, I am sure I can adapt them to darktable also.



  3. <p>I too would greatly appreciate a PDF copy of the article! If someone could please send my way, I would greatly appreciate it! You may e-mail it to: cleanizgood@gmail.com</p>

    I have just revived my Coolscan V ED and would love a copy of the pdf. Could someone post a copy here as an attachment? Alternatively, please upload it to Dropbox using this link: Dropbox - Submit files


    Many thanks!

  4. My trusted Elan has suddenly become afflicted with a command dial that is

    confused as to what setting it is on. To shut the camera off, I now need to

    rotate the dial to the bar code slot; to turn it back on, I have to move the

    dial several steps past the locking "off" position; once past there, the

    familiar settings appear but in the wrong slots. All of the settings seem to be

    available but in the wrong place.


    The camera seems to work OK but it has obviously become quite a nuisance to use it.


    Has anyone had the same problem? Is there a way of resetting the electronics in

    the camera?


    I have tried taking the batteries out (for three weeks!) and even tried to short

    the terminals, but to no avail.


    Any and all advice welcome.

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