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Everything posted by maramska

  1. maramska

    In a green frame

    Orange Dragonfly
  2. maramska


    Thank you very much, Vincent! Kind regards, Temi
  3. maramska


    Dandelion seeds
  4. maramska

    On the top

    Thank you much, Vincent! Regards, Temi
  5. maramska

    On the top

    Thank you, Giangiorgio! Regards, Temi
  6. maramska

    On the top

    This photo was selected and published on 1x.com. So proud!
  7. maramska

    Beautiful work with light! To me, some of the withered leaves look like human faces. Mostly the one who fell and the one on the right. Impressive work, Rosen! Regards, Temi!
  8. maramska


    Thank you, Jack!
  9. maramska


    Thank you so much, Vincent!
  10. maramska


    Thank you, Mick!
  11. maramska


    Thank you, Gregory and Verena Sava!
  12. maramska

    Dewy morning

    Thank you Arthur, I'm glad it's inspiring! Kind regards, Temi
  13. maramska

    Dewy morning

    Thank you, Aina for the wonderful words! Indeed, my focus was on the dewy cobweb, and then I noticed how beautiful the teasels were. I'm even sorry that some of the taller ones on the right aren't in the frame. They would improve the composition. Regards,Temi
  14. maramska

    Dewy morning

    Thank you, Franz!
  15. maramska

    Dewy morning

    Thank you, Vincent! Yes, contrast is often welcome in black / white, but I was careful not to burn the sunlit parts. In fact, this photo is very little processed and I also really like the original color version. Temi
  16. maramska

    Wind lovers

    Thanks a lot for your comment, Vincent! I love photographing dendelions, they are so inspiring! And they disappear so fast, especially in windy Chicago ... Regards, Temi
  17. maramska

  18. maramska

    Sandhill crane

    Hi, Vincent, Thank you very much for your constructive opinion! True, I considered such framing, but I really wanted to leave a full frame, because I was very surprised how close the bird let me go, given that I was with a Canon 24-105mm lens. But of course, if I have to go to a competition, I'll do it. :)
  19. maramska

    Sandhill crane

    Thank you, Dave Lipchen!
  20. maramska

    wild pansy

    Love this!Beautiful work!
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