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Image Comments posted by ancadiana


    very interesting effect on her hair. but a powerfull photo. she is very imposing. your new photos are very good!! keep on the good job!your sis..
  1. I haven't posted any photo for a long time.. I am very sorry and I

    miss this, but things have changed a lot since I came to college so I

    still have to adjust and also make time for going out and taking

    photos. But I will take more,soon. thanks for any comment!!


    aceasi priveliste am si eu de la faculta seara, cand sunt f obosita si privesc incet cum apune soarele,se coloreaza cerul si cum se lumineaza orasul. cred ca e chiar acelasi unghi daca nu ma insel.e frumos.(merita sa stau la cursuri pana la ora aia doar pt asa o priveliste:) )


    thank you very much for your suggestions!the only problem is that my knowledge of photoshop is quite limited for now.. I intend to learn more,but for now, I don't know how to do much. And what you explained..sounds a bit complicated:( but in the future..i will definitely try. I took this series of photos one night because I was really bored( and I wasn't in the mood to study) so I played a bit with my camera. And I love candles.. But thank you for your comment!



    there is a song I love.. and it is something like this:

    "Carry your candle, run to the darkness/

    Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn/

    Hold out your candle for all to see it/

    Take your candle, and go light your world."

    Neo & Mikey

    Rebirth indeed..:) you were right, you were right.. You see? God knows all the deep desires in our hearts.. He knows.. And He gives us everything just at the right moment.. I am more than happy for you!! God is blessing you so much.. and you have been a blessing for me,too.

    The Rock #3

    DEFINITELY have to take me here!! except for the jumping part.. it looks so beautiful.. I only saw this in movies:) but who knows, maybe I will actually see this live someday. it is for sure nothing like the cold autumn we have here..


    superb!!! vara asta am fost si eu pe-aici. dar e mult mai frumos peisajul iarna. chiar superb. avem un Dzeu cu un simt artistic atat de extraordinar:) e minunat ca putem fi martori la asa ceva.

    The red princess!

    Dumnezeu te-a inzestrat cu un simt artistic deosebit. Da-I lauda Lui pt asta! si inca ceva.. sa stii ca poti folosi fotografia asa de minunat si usor pt a face misiune!! Un aparat face minuni cand vrei sa atragi oameni si sa vb cu ei.zic asta din experienta. Dar poate stii asta deja:) Be blessed
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