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Posts posted by j._smith4

  1. I need to use a Hasselblad 40mm for a specific photo. I will be renting it, since I don't own one. I also need to use a 10 stop neutral density filter on the shot I'm planning. I cannot find these filters for the front of the lens (either in 86, 93, or even 105mm sizes). BUT I was wondering why can't I use a 40 or 50mm ND behind the lens? We used to use Kodak written filters behind the lens when we shot 4x5 color film (way back when!), but I just didn't know if I was missing anything by using it on a Hasselblad. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of space behind the lens before the film plane (I'm shooting film BTW).


    My plan was to compose, focus, then carefully remove lens, not touching focus at all, tape ND filter in place, and gently put back on camera.


    Any thoughts?



  2. On the federal law enforecement level, digital is now being used for about 90% of all

    applications. The only area where it still hasn't been implemented is in the evidence

    collecting area- new guidelines are complete for their use, so that wil be the last step. In

    three years or so film will be a memory. The areas right now where digital works very well are

    surveillance, evidence documentation (copy work), public relations, aerial surveys. Banks that

    used to use film for robbery photos, now have transitioned to digital (video) use 100%. When

    testifying in a cout proceeding, you are essentially testifying to the images you captured, and

    their authenticity. It really isn't relevant if the images are captured using film or digital, the

    testimony and credibilty of WHO took them is what is important.

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