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Posts posted by andrewkopietz

  1. <p>Does someone have any insight on securing work from major news outlets like The New York Times, Newsweek, Bloomberg Businessweek, etc?<br /><br />What are some ways to reach out to these publications as a freelancer, to promote myself to them, and to get paid work (even locally)?<br /><br />I've been focused on reportage and documentary work for about 2 years now but of the few contacts i've made, nothing has really come to fruition. Any advice you have at your disposal would be a step in the right direction for me.<br /><br />Thanks again!<br /><br /><b>Moderator's note: Signature links are not allowed. Please read photo.net's Community Guidelines.</b>
  2. <p>Hi All,<br /> I'm doing a small presentation on the work of photographer Randal Levenson. Problem is, there is very little that i know about him. And google (even Wikipedia... gasp!) says hardly anything about this man and his life. Is there someone here on this forum or else where with any background on his credentials or schooling? He produced a book ("In Search of The Monkey Girl") that featured his large format carnival photography published by the Aperture Foundation but it's rare and i don't own a copy.<br /> Any ideas where i might be able to find a little more information about this obscure photographer? I've checked online catalogs and there are no libraries that carry it anywhere near where i live.<br /> Thanks for your help!<br /> -Andrew</p><P><b>Image removed. Per the photo.net Terms of Use, do not post images that you did not take.</b>
  3. <p>Hello All~<br>

    I recently started shooting Fuji Velvia 100 slide film. I wanted to know of a local lab (either small scale professional) or commercial that might still do this kind of work OR if it's simply all sent-out these days?</p>

    <p>I visited Camera Mart in Pontiac and the clerk (with perhaps, a bit of optimism) suggested that there might be some pros or small studios who locally process their own slide and color film and that i might be able to get in with them.</p>

    <p>Though, i kind of doubt that...</p>

    <p>Any thoughts on where i should go? I'd like to stay in-state and deal with businesses head-on myself rather than paying a lab to have it sent out of state.</p>

    <p>Thanks for your help!</p>

    <p>Kind Regards,<br />-Andrew</p>

  4. I live in Michigan where the movie industry is starting to take off since Granholm signed a major tax-credit into effect. Film studios now

    get a 42% tax break when they shoot in Michigan. As more productions take up here, i'm seeing a need for still photographers on the set

    and i wanted to know if anyone knows where i can get started? What does someone go about doing to break into this sector of photography

    and who do i contact to submit my work for consideration?

  5. Hey Guys,


    Here's my question: I'm trying to find work assisting editorial photographers. How do i do it? I've been combing through Workbook and

    getting a better feel for the photographers in my area (i live in Metro Detroit). I've found a few that i already knew about who's work i really

    respect and find compelling.


    I'm thinking about writing them brief, succinct emails that go over the basics— eg: Who i am, Why i want to assist, What they might take

    away from the experience if we started working together and a small recap on my skills or previous experience.


    I'd like to send them this via email and link them to my online portfolio (http://www.wander.cc)


    So far this is my only plan of action. Can anyone give me some pointers? Tips on how i might phrase the tone of my email, how i should

    order and arrange my information, if i should call them or anything else i should add that i haven't yet thought about?


    How does someone go about finding work as an assistant without much experience? I know we all have to start somewhere but it just

    seems so daunting to approach people you admire without much to show for yourself. I have no studio or editorial experience but i'm

    passionate about learning and will work for free or modest compensation (IE: training, experience).


    Can anyone help me out? I'd really like some outside opinions and direction. Pros, amateurs– please speak up!


    Thanks again for your time everyone,


    - Alan



  6. Art >> That's mostly the aim of JPG. To expose the photographers of all skill levels to a wider

    audience. The very market for the magazine is aimed at photography enthusiasts who often,

    aren't professionals in the field, but share the love for the medium anyway.


    Besides, lo-fi equipment in the hands of a professional has no more potential to be any

    better than the next artist's work. It's how you use the camera that counts and i think the

    people featured in JPG nailed the theme on it's head. To me, these are images to be proud of.

    So what if they're mid-level photographers.

  7. Tim >> You know, i sort of resent that. Who's to say i don't get out? I'm just a big fan of lo-fi

    photography. You don't need to get out to enjoy something as accessible as JPG, especially if

    it's staring you right in the face or delivered to your door step. The issue itself is really

    intriguing and i'm not just toting that for naught. I believe in the editor's eye and the talent

    that got these submissions into print.


    I'm sure you meant well though so no hard feelings. I can get ridiculously heated about the

    nature of these things.

  8. Hello,


    I wasn't sure where to file this under because photo.net doesn't look like it has forums you post in to

    spread the news of up and coming photography periodicals. In any case, i hope this is an appropriate

    place to post and if not, shoot me a comment and link me to where it actually should go :D<br><br>


    Anyone heard of JPG Magazine yet?<br><br>


    Great publication designed and put together by two independent photographers (and flickr-fans) hailing

    from San Fransisco. Derek and Heather feature the work of some of the most interesting and categorical

    photos i've ever seen. Each issue's release comes equipped with a new theme and all emerging

    photographers are asked to sign-up and submit their work for consideration. It really is a good newbie

    magazine and at least a dozen members from my flickr contact list were featured in this month's issue.

    Ironic. Pleasantly surprised though.<br><br>


    Already, JPG is starting to pop up into local bookstores all across the U.S. None on my end yet but i'm not

    too worried. Sooner or later....<br><br>


    Have a look at the website. It's well designed and very engaging to use. Pretty painless:<br><br>


    <a href="http://www.jpgmag.com/" target="_blank">http://www.jpgmag.com/</a><br><br>


    And if it's not too much to ask, you might consider casting one of your votes for my photo?<br><br>


    <a href="http://www.jpgmag.com/photos/27517" target="_blank">http://www.jpgmag.com/photos/



    Thanks Guys!<br><br><div>00J82O-33953084.jpg.691bd48c260a741ca156db2c2bcbba1a.jpg</div>

  9. I haven't had any time to drop by my local photolab and put in my rolls of 120 for development. I was

    wondering if anyone from around the Troy/Detroit area in Michigan familiar with Pastel, would know if

    they have a drop off box? If so, how would i go about leaving them my instructions on how to process the

    rolls. Sounds simple but i just want to make sure i do it right.


    Also, are there any other labs besides Pastel (maybe closer to Rochester Hills) that develop non-C41

    Process like Tri-X or T-Max? Just curious.



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