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Posts posted by rachel_sekely

  1. "Forums are great but how do I know that any one of you is not some teenager toying with my next 5 Grand decision."


    Are you kidding? If you base your 5 grand decision on what some pay advice site says then i fear you're doomed. anyway, you could have gone into many camera shops and any number of them would be happy to sell you "this years" model. i find it more informative to post questions on a site like this and then to go into a trusted shop knowing what your needs are. they will most likely be very helpful in finding a good match. why should i trust one person i pay rather than objective advice from a number of people on a forum?

  2. charles, i have no qualms with plastic, i just wanted to avoid the real kiddie cameras as i didn't think they'd give good enough results to keep a kid interested. infact, plastic is lighter and probably easier to handle for him. just wasn't sure what to get him, and i end up getting overly excited about cameras for myself (which are generally metal).--robert, thanks for posting a more positive response. i think i'm gonna wait a little longer on a camera, as he is young. that's a great idea with the digital first, and then film. it can get expensive. having only film cameras myself i should know!
  3. thanks for all the replies everyone! after some research i was thinking of getting him a polaroid one600. they go for about 30 bucks, but the fim is around 10 dollars for 10 pics. however, after reading some of your responses i am possibly considering just getting him a toddler puzzle and saving the camera gear for another year. thanks for your help...and no i wouldn't let him drive a car if he showed interest, but i would buy him some hot wheels toy cars...or a tricycle (which he already has and uses).
  4. jochen--it seems we live in a differnt era these days. i remember toy guns, pine cone grenades, atari 2600, and spending my days at the creek behind my house...sans supervision.

    my nephew today showed a lot of interest in the pentax me super i was using. i had it on a tripod and i showed him where to look through. he found "mommy" in the viewfinder and i showed him how to click the button. the camera was probably not focused well, but what's a couple lost shots for a child's happiness? he was not at all a grabby throw stuff kind of kid, he really listens and speaks well for his age. i asked my sister if i could get him a camera and got the thumbs up...so i think they will be ok with the price that goes with that, at least as much as my parents were in developping all the silly pictures of our house cats i took growing up. i'm just trying to think of something small enough to fit in his hands comfortably. Having a camera that clicks and winds audibly is a great idea. you are right, a small 35mm probably is a better option ...thanks for your input!

  5. thanks for the advice denis. i bet your kids are having a ball with those cameras! i actually found a minolta 110 zoom slr on ebay for dirt cheap (less than 10 bucks, including shipping). i was thinking maybe this one, although part of me wants to hang on to that find. i really was thinking of getting a film camera for him, but maybe didital is a better way to go...more instant gratification for a kid his age. a polaroid also seems like a wonderful option as he could see the results right away.
  6. i spent thanksgiving with my nephew today and noticed that he was very

    interested in my cameras. i decided that i would have to get him one for

    christmas, but i wanted to find something somewhat decent- a real camera,

    rather than a plastic "pokemon" one or some of the other kiddie cameras i saw

    when searching online. any advice on format or brand? i was thinking maybe a

    110 point and shoot, as this is what my first camera was. i don't remember

    what brand it was but i got some pretty good photos and it seemed pretty

    durable. the kid is only 3, but he's a bright little bugger and i'd like

    something he could grow with, but that is also durable enough to handle what a

    child may put it through....thanks in advance for any advice.

  7. luke, i love your last description, very anticlimatic. i must admit this gave me a little chuckle. the first time i tried to unload film from my ME, i wound the crank in the wrong direction (counter clockwise) causing the crank to fall off:( live and learn!
  8. that's very interesting. going to do that search as soon as i'm done writing this. i prefer the standard b&w myself if i'm going for b&w, but this is a good method to know. i'm sure somewhere down the line i will have a color slide (does this apply to negative film as well?) that will suit this process perfectly. just not the bright and colorful flower pics they did accidentally. you have been most helpful, thanks again!
  9. hi. i was just taking some pictures with my ME super and noticed that i no

    longer have to push the shutter button to make the film advance. five minutes

    earlier it would only advance on a per picture basis. now i can advance

    through the whole roll without taking a single picture. will this have any

    effect on the pictures themselves? besides the three shots i just advanced

    without clicking the shutter (curiosity) will the rest of the film still be

    usable? do i need to have this repaired? thank you for any responses,

    hopefully i worded this better than my exhausted mind feels like i did.

  10. i found the best camera shop just 2 blocks from my house. it is called pacific camera and it is beside the irish immigrant bar on university way. it isn't your typical retail store, but the guy who works there (owner?) is very helpful and has been in the photography business for years. i'm not sure how much he deals with digital cameras, but i have heard him discussing them with other customers. i, myself, was focusing on older manual cameras so i didn't really look around at the full stock. he does repairs too and did a wonderful job on my old pentax. i know this may not be so helpful in your case, but just wanted to throw my support out to the little guy.
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