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Everything posted by eyecee_.

  1. <p>@Brad - I think both my Hasselblad extension tubes (10mm and 21mm) are the older type as there are no electronic contacts whatsoever and everything is mechanical. Mind you, I don't know the difference between 'new' and 'old' tubes so I'm completely guessing here!</p> <p>As for my next steps, I'll try to get the lens serviced to see if it is the lens shutter that is out of tolerance and I'll loop back to this thread just to give an update and hopefully close this issue.</p>
  2. <p>Hi All,<br /> <br />Firstly, Thank you all for your comments and advice on my situation; it's greatly appreciated.</p> <p>Over the weekend I managed to get some time to try the suggestions as detailed above and I think it's now a shutter sync issue with the CF 120mm/f4 Makro lens and the extension tubes. I took the back off the camera and looked down the barrel of the lens and when the shutter is triggered, I can see the shutter open when only the CF lens mounted on the body. This is in line with the flash sync working when just the CF+Body combination.</p> <p>When I add an extension tube (the lens, tube and body are properly mated and can fire and wind on all occasions), when I repeat the same tests (back off, looking down the barrel of the lens from the front that a light source behind the camera, once the trigger is fired, I can not see any light come through the set up but can see that the lens-shutter blades have been triggered and closed.</p> <p>Based on this testing, it would appear that the CF lens shutter is not triggered in sync when the extension tube is in place, hence why no light can be seen during the shutter duration plus why the flash sync isn't triggered.</p> <p>What's odd is that without the extension tubes in place, the CF 120mm/f4 Makro works perfectly (lens shutter opens and the flash sync is fired) and when I use the extension tubes on the my other C lenses, the shutters fire fine and the flash sync works okay. It's only when I have the combination of CF lens + extension tube does the in-lens shutter mis-syncs and I can't see any light come through the camera nor have the flash sync happen.</p> <p>All the equipment are original Hasselblad items and, while old, are in very good condition and all are perfectly functioning except for the CF lens + extension tube issue. I'm thinking I may need to send the lens in for service but what keeps annoying me is that without the extension tubes in place, the CF lens works perfectly plus the extension tubes on the other lenses work perfectly too. Has anyone heard of the CF lens shutter mis-syncing when using extension tubes?</p> <p>Thanks again!</p>
  3. <p>The HC-1 does allow the CFV16 digital back to connect to the back of the 500C body but it's very tight and the HC-1 does block access to the safety release button on the CFV16.<br> I have this exact set up and it works 100% fine but when you want to remove the CFV16, you need to use a flat-head screwdriver to slip between the HC-1 and CFV16 to engage the safety release button on the digiback and then you can push the main release slider using the HC-1 connector to remove the CFV16.</p>
  4. <p>Hi All,</p> <p>I'm a newbie to the medium format world and I'd love any advice from the more seasoned veterans here on Photo.net on an issue I've encountered trying to sync a flash from a CF lens with an extension tube attached.<br /> I recently took the plunge and bought a Hasselblad 500C/M with 4 C lenses (40mm, 50mm, 80mm, 150mm) and 1 CF lens (120mm Makro) as well as the 21mm and 10mm extension tubes. While testing out the camera and lenses in my studio, I connected a PC-to-PC cable between the PC post on the lenses and the PC socket on a Nikon SB-900 Speedlight. I connected all the C lenses and extension tubes in various combinations (lens only, +10mm, +21mm, +10+21mm) and with every set up, the flash synced to the shutter when triggered as expected and all is working well.</p> <p>On the CF 120mm Makro lens, things went a little differently; attaching just the lens to the body, the PC-to-PC cable perfectly triggered the flash on firing the shutter, however, when attaching either or both of the extension tubes, the lens would NOT trigger the flash at all.</p> <p>I'm totally confused as there isn't any electronic connections between the lens and 500C/M body which controls flash sync plus when using the C lenses, the flash syncs with all lenses and extension tube combinations so I think the extension tubes are working perfectly from a flash sync perspective. The CF 120mm triggers the flash sync perfectly when there's no extension tubes so I'm lost to why when using the CF 120mm lens with an extension tube, the flash sync does not fire at all.</p> <p>Is there such as thing as a updated extension tube to allow flash sync on CF lenses? or am I missing something? Unlike the C lenses with the V-X-M switch for timer/flash sync options, my CF 120mm makro only has dials/switches for aperture, shutter speed, aperture preview and bulb mode. There isn't the X-M option for flash sync.</p> <p>Any advice on how to trigger the flash sync on the CF 120mm f4 makro when using extension tubes would be greatly appreciated,</p> <p>Thanks in advance!</p>
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