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Image Comments posted by jeffgermo

    life and death


    Yes, it is a sad picture. This young grey whale was, apparently hit by a ship, which doesn't make much sense to me, but that's the story. Interestingly, the two kids in the photo are probably older than the whale. They are just beginning their lives and will come across other cruelties as they grow older. Thanks everyone for checking this out.


  1. Yes, it is quite sad. This is a young grey whale. The assumption is that it got hit bit a ship. It laid there for several days while the powers that be decided who is responsible for cleaning it up. They tried to haul it further out to sea, but it came back in with the tide. They finally dug a hole and buried it. Thanks for taking a look.



    Very crisp shot Kevin. Even with the high iso it looks great. Can you crop it in more or will it pixelate? Thanks for the comment on my hoverfly, and the i.d.




    Thanks for the comments everyone, and Kevin for the i.d. I figured it wasn't a wasp. It was much smaller, but had no idea what it was. Hoverfly makes sense, which would explain why it took such little skill to shoot this one. It was hovering for quite some time and giving me several takes. I'll check your dragonfly out.



    thanks for the comments. It's funny, cause I walked up to this guy with my camera and hunkered down low to the ground within a foot of him and he didn't move. He didn't seem afraid of me at all. Thanks for stopping by.

    pastoral 2


    thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is. We have so many blossoming trees in B.C. Some are cherries. I'm not sure about this one. Thanks for taking the time to comment and rate this.


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