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Image Comments posted by lincoln1


    The original, well, you look superb, but so sad, or annoyed, or something. However in the PS version you look so inspired and amazing.


    Well, it is a landscape photo. Not one that captivates me into oblivion and all that jazz, but it is really nice. It makes me feel like I am on a beautiful walk and enjoying the lovely view! Perhaps a wide shot (several photos put together that is) would have done it more justice, but then I have a widescreen monitor. Good job! Pat yourself on the back if you like!


    Interesting picture! I find it hard to get ones like that with my 4x zoom. Nothing crazily out of the ordinary, but very nicely done and I just think it's great!

    In the park

    Thanks for the comment! The dog is, well, not quite hers but she is from the family so it's not some random dog that was there. I do get that it would look really nice to turn the camera sideways for a portrait angle.


    WOW this looks good! The coloring, lighting - did you use a studio? I like the DOF, composure... all I can say is - wow! The beetle looks almost like it is floating!

    As I Saw It

    Wow this is interesting! A little different with there only being a small bit that is in focus, which makes it a unique picture. I like it, it's a nifty idea well done. Also the blurred objects seem fitting.
  1. That's awesome, birds are quite nice to photograph and watch. I would have more images of them if my camera had more than 4 times zoom :). This is actually pretty good, it's just that the bird is kind of hard to find against the dock but then how do you change that? Here the bird is nicely a third of the way into the image, and it "flows" into the rest of the image. A lot that I told you about in my other critique you used here, the only thing is that the bird is against a hard-to-see background, it would be much easier to see if it was against the water, or best if it was more to the middle of the dock away from the lines. Other than that, great capture and keep up the good work :).

    in flight


    I like the colour of the clouds. What really makes this image good is that the bird is black against the sky and the lighting is nice. What makes this image rated below 4 is mostly the composure - keep in mind that my criticism is not to make you feel bad and I am being very picky, and I intend on helping you be a better photographer. The concepts to apply here is the "flow" of energy and the rule of thirds. Most of all, flow of energy, and then of course there's basic composure. For a similar picture that demonstrates great composure:



    Notice how nicely the birds and the trees make up a beautiful image? The trees and the birds form a space in the middle, and shows an enjoyable moment in time. You show a fairly enjoyable moment in time as well, but nothing flows. The bird doesn't go with the light, and the clouds just don't form anything too special, like no shape. Here is a bird image with an outstanding flow of energy:



    The rule of thirds is the idea of positioning the subject a third of the way into the image, which usually makes a good image but don't be too rigid with that concept.

    Nice attempt at a great image, we all start somewhere and this is actually close to being really quite nice, like I said it's the composure and flow of energy. I hope all this helps.

  2. I like the grass line silhouetted like that. The clouds make it look strange, not sure if I like how the clouds are but their being there does make it interesting. The colouring is nice and I do like the image.

    Peanut :)

    Thank you both for your comments, much appreciated. I did turn up the saturation in spite of the redness, the program I am using doesn't have the option of changing red/blue/green levels which is unfortunate. That is one of her looks, that I don't totally understand, as life occurs to me it's her "I'm not unhappy, but I would rather be having more fun, in someone's arms or somewhere else" look. She also has that look when showing strangeness to someone I think. I also found that upping the saturation, even with the redness, made it look better than neutral, mostly because of her hair.

    Looking Back


    The lighting could be better I guess, but really to me the biggest factor here is the composure/cropping. I often tend to be too "textbook," but in this case I think it would be better to use the rule of thirds and have him a third of the way into the picture. Here is an edit I just upped the contrast a bit, downed the brightness a bit and upped the saturation a bit. I cropped it in tighter to change the image. Let me know if you like it.

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