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Posts posted by amandalockphotography

  1. So... I was asked to shoot a wedding for $400, and being that it was a week

    before, I said sure. First wedding ever. I feel fairly comfortable in the

    outside and with engagement shots so I figured how hard could a wedding be? HUGE

    mistake. Please share your first wedding horror stories with me. Both the church

    and the reception had extremely low light and so many of my shots turned out

    blurry and with lots of noise. Did any of you just bomb your first wedding? I

    probably will have around 200 in focus and not black pictures... but I think I'm

    going to offer to refund their money. I just feel bad taking it and giving them

    something that I wouldn't have paid for...

  2. I am looking to help out, assist, second shoot (whatever you need basically) for

    a Bay Area photographer. I am interested in eventually getting into the business

    as a full time venture, but I know that I still have a lot to learn. You can

    take a look at what I have done recently in my photo.net portfolio. Thank you!

  3. Does anyone know of a place in the Bay Area (preferably South Bay- San

    Jose/Santa Cruz/Santa Clara) where you can rent a digital SLR? How much does it

    cost to rent one for the day generally? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! :)

  4. I began doing engagement sessions in August, and over the past month and a half

    had the opportunity to do lots of 'em. I know that I can't get better unless I'm

    shown what I'm doing wrong, so any critique (lighting, composition, etc) would

    be greatly appreciated and please (I'm serious) be as brutally honest as

    possible. I've got a pretty thick skin and I always respect and take into

    consideration good, honest critique. The ones in my folder are the older ones; I

    haven't had a chance to upload the most recent sessions. Any help would be

    greatly appreciated. You can view my pictures by going to my photo.net

    portfolio. http://www.photo.net/photos/amandalockphotography

  5. I am a fairly new photographer, but on a combination of luck and good referrals,

    already have three weddings scheduled for next year and two within the next

    month. I am pregnant right now and with one of the weddings, will be 7-8 months

    pregnant next year. My question is this; as a bride/or groom, would you feel

    uncomfortable having a big cumbersome pregnant lady running around taking shots?

    I am naturally athletic anyways, so it's not like I'm not going to be able to

    pull myself out of a chair, but I will definitely be pregnant looking. Has

    anyone even SEEN a pregnant wedding photographer? I've assured one of my brides

    that I will be able to get all of the important shots and will be there for the

    full 8 hours, but she still seems a little uneasy. Any thoughts/ideas?

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