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Posts posted by peteradownunder

  1. Petera (downunder), not quite sharp enough and blown out highlights. Tell me about its making. Cropped? I see that you used film. Tell me about its processing. Whatever, you've captured a singular and exceptional image here. Bravo and regards. Arthur (apiarist1)


    Hello Arthur and thanks for your kind words I hope you and yours are travelling well. It may sound strange to you but I actually don't spend much time or thought on 'sharpness' or 'blown highlights' or anything in particular - I might change my mind if I ever see a photograph I like that is 'about' sharpness or 'not blown highlights'...


    Regarding processing I had the Superia ( ISO200) developed in a one hour developing place which charged me $5 a roll of 24 or 36 and I bought the film for $2 a roll of 24. This image was then scanned on an Epson flatbed scanner and imported in LR - where I decided to keep the green caste caused by the fluorescent lighting and desaturate slightly - midtones and darks were modified via luminance masks.


    the shot was made as indicated with an XPan11 and a 45 lens - I sincerely regret selling the kit which also included the rare 30mm and viewfinder as well as the 90. - but I have no interest shooting film anymore and haven't had for over ten years.




  2. You get much easier B&W out of a monochrom chip and as has been stated above you also get a 'free' increase in resolution V a CMOS or CCD chip. Leaving aside the futzing around required to use post processing and luminosity masks to get anywhere near the black blacks and white whites - the theoretical extra megapixels required to match a moncrom camera is minimum 35% more megapixels. So in the case of the M10M at 40MP - you need a minimum of around an extra 20MP to match the look after post processing - which means you have to be using the latest Sony at 64MP or higher.


    I shoot film and digital and I can tell you that (a) I couldn't make a B&W film shot like the one below made on my original MM or what they call the M9M now...good luck trying to use a darkroom to make an image with whites and blacks like this too- teh papers aren't made these days with enough silver contgent to do so. Oh scan B&W film you say ? - oh really.....



    This one is a discard of some shots I made for a boutique bike maker years ago - the shoot paid for the camera.


    and this one below is a street shot made with the camera - a happy snap,





    unless colour is an important part of the purpose of the content of an image - there is absolutely no need to have to deal with - I prefer to only have to think about luminosity when I am shooting B&W. So when I am using my Fuji I have the viewfinder see in B&W - no distractions - I do the same for all my cameras. Ironically the Leica's rangefinder doesn't allow for this ( obviously).


    I am thinking about the M10M - its one draw back is the rangefinder focusing mechanism - my eyes aren't what they used to be and I find that nailing focus when shootingt wide open has caused me 'focus anxiety' the 40MP will only exaggerate the fear based on low hit rates compared to SL/SL2. - still I do miss the files I used to get from teh original CCD MM.


    PS : the spot in the sky was the beginning of the infamous rusty chip issue...

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