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Image Comments posted by jlarson6130


    Thanks for the information, it was very helpful. This gives me an actual plan to follow. With practice it should allow me to get best results possible from many of the gyms. Some are just to dark, kids need headlights to play :-) John



    Good capture. It has great action, focus and lighting. If you can decide which face to focus on during a shot like this, I have a long way to go in my learning. If you don't mind my asking, what parameters did you use with this shot? I'm just starting to get a handle on minimal shutter vs stopping down the aperture to try a squeeze some DOF out of my lens. Most of the Gyms are so dark I have to shoot wide open, 1/250 and let ISO go where it needs to. Which is usually way higher than I'd prefer.

    But a couple Gyms are not quite so bad. The last Gym I chose 1/250 f/3.2 and let the ISO float. It ranged from 1250 to 1600.

    When you sit down in a Gym,how or what do you decide? Do you have a minimun shutter you use?

    Again, I like this shot as it is. Sorry for all the verbiage, Thanks John





    Chapel Field (in blue) win over Chester in the Varsity game at the

    Hambletonian Classic. Advise and comments are welcome.


    Hello Paul, thank you for your input. I was trying to balance shutter, ISO and DOF. In this Gym I had more light than I usually have, I could have used a faster shutter. Some, like my brother like the slight motion blur. Shows action, I usually like to freeze it. Thanks again, John



    Hi Fred, I believe I understand what you meant. I gave it one more try with this photo. I will work on other photos keeping in mind yours and Janne's advise. Thanks again for your help.



    Hello again. I will do as you suggest and peruse some B&W portfolios. I have started with yours and Janne's. There are many nice photos in both. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment. John



    Hello Fred, . I used flash bounced off the ceiling. It was a family get together in his living room with a white ceiling. It seemed a good photo to experiment with. I worked some on the contrast, tried blue filter. Heading in the right direction? I appreciate your input. John




    Hello Janne Tervonen, I used Photo shop Gradient. Not sure if that is best way to convert. I will work with the crop, this is a crop from a larger photo. So I do have room to play with the image. Thank you for your input. John




    A good game between Chapel Field & Valley Central Schools. They had

    some real odd lighting in this school. Besides not enough light, they

    had white light over the bleachers. And yellow over the courts floor.

    Comments and helpful pointers always welcome.


    Nice self portrait your daughter took. Dynamic with the moving girl, and with the tilt looks like she's walking uphill. I am curious as to what the blond in the background is up to.
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