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julayne farmer

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Image Comments posted by julayne farmer



    This was from a series I did of faces - it was my personal spin on the traditional family

    album. It was made with a 4x5 land camera and Polaroid PN55 film.

    Mother at Metro


    I made this portrait of my mother when she came to visit me in San Francisco. I love

    the dark tones and silhouette. It also reminds me a little of an Edward Hopper painting,

    which I love.

    Stone Mother


    The Stone Mother is a piece of rock that revealed itself after the water in Nevada's

    Pyramid Lake began to evaporate. The Paiute Indians have lived on this reservation for

    years. The stone which revealed itself from beneath the water's surface has the profile of

    a woman. Thus was born, the Stone Mother. She is said to be a protector of the Paiute


  1. This is an image of what used to be a water way to Pyramid Lake. I was interested in the

    environmental conversation the image might have with the viewer. I think, sometimes, the

    most important thing about photography is that it has the ability to keep viewers aware and

    thinking about global issues.



    This is from a larger body of artists in their spaces. This was an in between moment when

    Mark thought I was loading one of my film holders. Please leave feedback.



    from a group of portraits of people in THIER spaces. i visited these people at their homes and

    made images of them as both they and the space exist in the every day.



    This is from a body of work I did which concentrated on the dichotomy of outer appearance

    and inner thoughts. Please leave feedback. Thanks.



    This was part of a series of 4x5 images made from collages and drawings I had done. It was

    all centered around the idea of the (female) body - as I am female and that is my experience.

    Please leave any comments or feedback. Thanks.

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