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Posts posted by warimages

  1. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>All this is my first time in this forum and I can just say it has been very informative already. The images being created are amazing too and I look forward to sharing and learning more along the way.</p>

    <p>I require some help if possible please: I finally decided to shoot with my SB800 in manual mode this past weekend in a location shoot. I was using a new trigger system from Strobies the "i Sync 4" to get great flexibility. The System was working fine for about the first 50 frames, and then the flash gun would only fire periodically and when it did it was only at the right power for one frame and then lacking power for the next. I initially thought it was the SB800 batteries, so I changed them, however even with new batteries this kept happening. I did not want the model to get annoyed so I disconnected the "iSync4" and set the SB800 to remote and used my pop up flash of my D200 to trigger. The flash was working perfectly again. So I think it might have been related to the new trigger but I am not sure, can anyone shed some light? When the problem was accruing I had the SB800 on a stand attached the Receiver to it via the pc sync cord and had the trigger on my D200. Trigger and reviver were set to wireless.</p>

    <p>Any help would be greatly appreciated</p>



  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    I have recently created a website and have linked it with photo.net I would now like to add my website address to the personal information of my photo.net front page. Could someone please let me know how I do this. It keeps telling me I have entered incorrect digets.</p>



  3. <p>I have the same problem with my lens. I use it on my D200, it was working great and now does not want to auto focus so I have to manual focus. I like to manual focus, but the focus ring in very stiff in places.</p>

    <p>Mon Davi - Is this how your focus ring feels in Manual?</p>

    <p>Matt - Have you sent anything back to Nikon before? Do you know roughly how long I would be without my lens or is it a lottery?</p>

    <p>All the best</p>


  4. <p>Hi,<br>

    I am current based in the UK and would like to know where I could get my hands on Noise Ninja or a similar photoshop plug in. I cant seem to find a uk based website that I can purchase it from. Could be that my work internet blocks allot of sites.<br>

    Could anyone reccomend a site or dealer I could go to please?<br>

    Many thanks<br>

    All the best<br>


  5. Ian,


    Thank you very much for your honesty. I can assure you I am more than competent with my gear and am very confident that I would be a very good assistant to someone. Are you suggesting that I get friends to model for me in similar situations and lighting to possible wedding scenarios and add that to my portfolio?





  6. Hi All,


    I would really like to get involved in wedding photography. I currently live in the UK and have been shooting seriously

    for just over two years now. I have had all of my sucess shooting sports images but really want to get into wedding

    photography. As I am in the UK are any sites or magazines where I could go to help find some work as an assistant?




    All the best



  7. Hi All,


    I could really use some help with this. I was recently shooting a subject that

    was moving from right to left but also coming towards me at the same time. I

    was just wondering what the best focus setting to use would be in this

    situation single or continuous to get the best most constant results. I tried

    both and found that I ended up with just as many poorly focused shots in both

    modes. I was using a D200 and a sigma 300 f2.8

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