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Image Comments posted by cbphotographyuk



    I had a great deal of fun with Photoshop with this image. It may look

    very simple, but took ages to get the relative positions of the

    different body parts into what I think is a pleasing effect. Thank

    you very much for looking - I would value any honest opinions. CB


    This is a beautiful and powerful image, largely due to the great quality and the perfect cropping. The colours and textures are sublime. The only very minor piece of critisim that I can offer is that I find the hair which is just creeping into the top of the frame rather distracting as it spoils the very clean effect of the rest of the image. Thank you fot sharing this with us. CB
  1. This image really caught my attention, then I looked at higher resolution and WOW it really came alive. I imagine the original is even better.


    I love the feeling of space in this image. The curve of the model draped over the rock gives the impression of the curvature of the earth and the head being turned away adds to the expensive atmosphere. The lightness and contrast of the model are just right in that everyhthing is discernable, without being to much in your face.


    An amazing image - well done. You are very lucky to have access to both that amazing scenery and a stunning model and you have certainly done justice to both. CB.


    This image has a beautiful dreamy quality reminiscent of an oil paining by a master. The only thing that spoils this effect is the model's rather harsh eye make-up. The overall effect, however, is very pleasing on the eye. Well done. CB
  2. I love the blanance of this composition. The eye is drawn to the figure in the doorway then scans around the mysterious room, given a warm but dark feeling by the contracst with the bright red cloth. You cannot help imagine what this scene would look like from the. Congratulations on a well executed and well thought out image. CB



    Very delicate and sensitive treatment of this lovely suject resulting in a very pleasing image on the eye. I tend to prefer images that 'look' from left to right, but this is fine. Beautiful framing and focus on the eyes is perfect. Full range of shades with just a hint of colour. I am in love with this image!



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