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Posts posted by eyeforpix

  1. <p>Hello all. Since portrait photography is my specialty, one of the many things that I want to improve is the proper posing of my subjects. Can you give a recommendation for a book that covers this subject very well? I'm looking for something that explains good posing technique and also provides a good set of reference pictures for different numbers of groups.<br>

    Thanks in advance,<br>

    Andres Delfin<br>

    <b>Signature URL removed. Not allowed per photo.net Terms of Use.</b></p>

  2. <p>Very helpful suggestions. Thank you. I should have used the proper terms. It's actually TFCD, no prints. I'm gonna let them use the images for web or print or cd cover but just ask that they give credit to me whenever they use them. Are those pretty standard things to ask for? Anything else I should consider?</p>
  3. <p>Avoid them. If you're not one of the first 3 bidders, you have to pay $6-7 to place a bid and there's no guarantee that the customer will follow up with you even if you ARE the best bid. I've never picked up a job through them.</p>
  4. <p >Advice needed please:</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >I was contacted by a modeling agency to be a ‘featured photographer’ at a promotional event taking place at a fashion clothing store in a couple of days. Apparently they’re doing a talent search so they will send people there, I will photograph them, then I’ll send the images to the agency. It’s also an open call for other people who are interested in becoming models. This is a non-paying gig but I’ll have the rights to use the images for my own self promo, plus I can offer my services to the models and some of the vendors there. I was wondering if any of you have done this sort of thing, and if so, what did you do to maximize the possibility for future business with the models or vendors? I would appreciate any advice you can provide.</p>

  5. <p>1. If you happen to meet a parent that has a kid on a team, ask them to mention you to the “Team Mom/Coordinator” and offer the parent and coordinator free pictures if you get the gig. One gig will lead to another, and so on…<br>

    2. Learn to make custom templates using team colors and mascot in PhotoShop for the packages you offer. Parents can go to MPIX or Costco nowadays and design their own T/I prints. Your templates have to stand out and look better than theirs.<br>

    3. Offer photo buttons. Parents love them.<br>

    Good luck</p>

  6. I also have a day job so all my shoots are in the afternoon. I like the afternoon light. When you ask, "Where should the sun be?" I assume you're talking about the sun's position relative to the group. You definitely don't want the sun to be at their 6 o'clock (directly behind) position. That way you'll avoid lens flare plus you'll get nice highlights on the hair and shoulders. I suggest using a fill flash to light up the faces. Line them up in 3 rows. first row sitting, second row kneeling, and 3rd row standing. Use between f8 to f11. Good luck.
  7. Greetings all,


    Four months ago we enrolled our 9-year-old into a cheerleading squad through the city Parks & Rec dept. I asked

    the coach if anyone had offered photo services and she said no, but asked to see samples of my work. I showed

    her photos of my daughter in uniform plus I ordered some of the Sports templates from MPIX.com. She ran it by the

    parents and they liked the idea. Since then I’ve shot 3 squads from our city, plus the coach’s 5 other squads from

    another city and I may get an opportunity to shoot her high school squad too.


    This is my first experience with sports/team photography and I really like it. Now I’d like to try to find some

    customers in other youth sports leagues like soccer, baseball, football, etc. Of course I can always enroll my kids

    and try to work my way in that way, but I was hoping some of you veterans can share some tips for landing one

    those gigs.

    What’s the best way to approach the league? Who should I approach? Should I offer kick-backs?


    Thanks in advance.



  8. Have any of you tried using a Backup UPS for computers to power your

    monolights? I have an inexpensive lighting setup with 3 monolights. Each unit is

    160w/s (joule) in full, AC110-130 volt, 60 Hz. I would like to be able to shoot

    portraits outdoors so I need to get a portable power supply. I�ve looked at the

    Alien Bees Vagabond 2 but $300 is a bit steep. I have seen some UPS�s costing

    $150 that can power a PC and Monitor for up to 25 minutes. Just wanting to know

    if anyone has tried it. Thanks.

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