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Posts posted by 3zs

  1. <p>Ok...same backround but different daughter, shooting 2.8 with the back drop stretched tighter</p>

    <p>Is this backround still too distracting?</p>

    <p>Tim - I turned it over, but the back is just plain blue, I havent tried to use it that way.</p>

    <p>Starvy - I havent tried plain colors...any suggestions for sports portraits?</p>

    <p> </p><div>00W9Gj-233953784.jpg.d8a5281e1cd9ab5ce6462d401f62e3f6.jpg</div>

  2. <p>Hi Matt - </p>

    <p>Thanks for the quick response. </p>

    <p>I agree, the backdrop is in too much focus, I wasnt shooting with a 2.8 lens</p>

    <p>The backdrop is new , hence the vertical fold lines, Ill have to stretch it and clamp the sides.</p>

    <p>My daughter is getting tired so she doesnt want to pose anymore...Ill try again tomorrow. </p>

  3. <p>Hi - </p>

    <p>Im going to be doing portraits of 6-8th grade athletes at an upcoming tournament. I plan on offering green screen portraits as well as a a standard cloth muslin back drop. </p>

    <p>Just wondering what people think of this backdrop, is it too dark? Should I go with a lighter color back drop?</p>

    <p>Thanks for the comments/suggestions in advance!</p>



  4. <p>Hi -<br />Newbie here....trying to learn some potrait lighting..thanks in advance for the help.<br />I rented a 2 light strobe setup with umbreallas today and am using it now. I have only the one light slightly to the left and behind the camera and I am getting this hard line in every image I take and I cant figure out why. I moved the light up,down left right etc... and I still get this hard line. What am I doing wrong?</p>

    <p> </p><div>00V7RI-195301584.thumb.jpg.d6b508c44f475327a5a5d7bbc0105d59.jpg</div>

  5. <p>Hi All -</p>

    <p>Ive been asked if I can do poster's of an athlete from multiple sporting events. Ive been looking at graphic authority and artisticaction templates. Im leaning towards the artisticaction templates at the moment.</p>

    <p>Are there any others out there that peole can comment on?</p>



  6. <p>The 1.8 lens will make a huge difference for you, but beware because you have a very shallow DOF..very shallow. you will be surprised if you get a picture of a girl pointing to the crowd and her finger is sharp, but he face isnt.</p>
  7. Hi All -


    I live in Union County NJ and Im looking legal services to write business contracts, model releases for youth sports , model release for

    portraits etc..


    Does anyone out there know of any legal services pro bono for photographers? I found a place in NY but not NJ : (


    If not, does anyone have a reference to a lawyer in my area?


    Another question, does anyone have any experience with sites such as FindLegalForms.com or LawDepot.com or other online legal form



    Thanks in advance for your time

  8. Hi All -


    Im sorry for the late reply to this , I hope you see this because I learned alot from this thread.



    With the d300 it is somewhat easy to turn on bracketing by mistake, ive done it twice since this thread already. However

    I wasnt bracketing this time and it looks like you guys nailed it for me i.e the spot metering vs matrix metering - rookie

    mistake : (


    I did take some of the other suggestions to heart...I went to horizontal batting shots most of the time. Because of a

    combination of where I was able to be during the game and how far back the catcher was in the box I wasnt able to get

    tight shots like Michael posted above. I did move behind the backstop and shoot through the fence and I was surprised

    how well they came out.


    I also learned how to time the swings better and not reley on the spray n pray either....great tip there!!! Thanks



    One other thing I noticed is parents of kids with their name on the back of their uniform like tight verticle shots from the

    back while their son/daughter as at bat on base or playing their position.


    Thanks again to everyone for their time, comments and suggestions and Im sorry for such a late response.



  9. Hi All -


    Im shooting a 12U baseball tournament local to me and Im having an issue on some of my images.


    Ive got my lens focused on the batter, Im waiting for him to step into the pitch before I hit the shutter and I

    get two images that look like this and Im not sure why....any help is appreciated because its starting to really

    bug me.


    This doesnt happen all the time but often enough - and at the worst times too...like when I have the ball on the


  10. Thanks All. I much appreciate the replis.


    Shooting RAW would be nie but the post processing would kill me given all the images that we shoot per night as Mark N. stated...I wish I could shoot raw but time isnt on my side.


    Ill have to try th e auto ISO. Looking at my camera now I see I can set the ISO to a max and the shutter speed to a max..but the max shuttr spd I can select is 1/250th...bummer!!!!


    Mark U you are orrect...with the lights on good pis are hard to come by...it seems to be hit or miss depending on my position with the lights....what seems to be a problem too is the reflection off the sand/dirt from the lights. I turned to horizontal shots in order to avoid this


    Thanks again everyone.



  11. Hi All -


    Ive got to shoot a baseball tourney this week and the weather is not cooperating. It is overcast and grey

    outside. Im worried the images arent going to look good. Im shoot with a d300 and 70-200mm 2.8 lens. Any advice

    or tips on camera settings given the lighting conditions?


    The fields have lights but im not sure if they will tuen them on.


    Thanks in advance.



  12. Hi All -


    Im starting a business doing youth sports photography and I need some advice on a printer to buy so I can print

    onsite at the event.


    Im finding most of the images I sell are the standard 5x7 8x10, 11x14...with the 16x20 or poster size images once

    in a while that Im happy to send to the lab to print


    My camera is a D300 and most of the time im shooting jpeg. Ive got a mac laptop that I would connect it to - a



    Any advice on a good printer, inks and paper is greatly appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.



  13. Hi Mikael -


    Yeah...I should have been more specific.


    Im looking to get some help with a contracts and other forms. Im involved with a

    local baseball league and I was asked to become the official photographer for the

    league. Im looking for someone to help/guide me through this.


    Because this was offered during the season some of the folks who run the league

    are asking if we need to get a document from each parent giving their permission, do

    we need to put it on the registration next year that there is an official photographer

    taking pictures, how should I word the contract with the league in terms of posting

    and selling the images, then there is tournaments that they are looking to run...


    Any references are appreciated, and any experience in NJ on doing youth sports

    photography is appreciated.

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