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Posts posted by stephenfarrell

  1. <p>I'm a little ashamed to ask this question. But i have a Brinca Sq-a loaded with Ilford fp4 @ 125iso.</p>

    <p>The Sq-a 120mm back has 1/3 increment markings between the 100 and 200 iso speed settings. Should a 125 iso film as i'm using just be set to the first increment past 100?</p>

    <p>Sry about this terrible question btw!</p>


  2. To begin I am complete novice with regard to studio flash photograhy. I

    recently bought a bronica SQ-A from ebay and after using it for some time have

    become interested in setting up a small studio for portrait work. My question

    is this.


    What equipment do i need to connect to camera to studio flash.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. I thought that 'social landscape' was just an extension of Street Photography/Social Documentary but also gained influences from the 'stream of conciousness' photographers that preceeded the likes of Friedlander therefore the photgraphy was as much about the photgrapers experience as it was about the exercise of 'documenting'. Could be completely wrong. Only starting to read more about the history of photography etc so don't tear this apart too much.
  4. I was wondering if some here could give me a little advice on a lense choice.


    I'm about the purchase a new lense with a mind to photograph in a documentary

    style, mainly people in their personal enviroments also some street shooting.

    I've narrowed my choice down to 2 lenses but have become stuck over a few issues

    that i thought you guys could hep me with. The lenses are:




    EF 17-40 f/4.0 L USM</a> and <a


    EF 24mm f/2.8</a><br></br>


    My concern is how well the 17-40 will perfom indoors in low light conditions in

    comparison to the 24mm. I was also leaning toward the 24mm as i feel i may help

    me develop my photgraphy in that i will have to improvise more withouth the use

    of a zoom facility (Could be wrong though) Also i know that i would be

    sacraficing build qualty of the L lens.


    Any thoughts are very much appreciated.<br></br>


    Yours debating.<br></br>



  5. Didn't know too much about this gent until you posted. His work is fantaastic and will definately be looking for more.


    Pity such a talent is gone.


    I found this via a link in the articl eyou posted. A slideshow with commentry ====> <a href=http://www.guardian.co.uk/slideshow/page/0,,2043336,00.html>here</a>

  6. I'm sure this has been asked 1000 times but i was wondering if someone could

    clarify it for me.


    Is it correct that regardless of DG, DC or EF-S that these lenses being used

    with a 400D or any other DSLR sensor that is not full frame there will be a

    multiplication factor on the focal length?


    So say 24-70mm on a 400D @ 1.6x will be equivilent to 38.4-112mm on 35mm?


    Thank for any replies.

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