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Posts posted by michael_reese1

  1. Very nice pic Roger very sharp with lovely tones. I wonder why there is not more interest in this camera from Leica users. If i was a more competent photographer with a bit more cash to spend i would buy one. Your photograph looks as good or better than anything i've seen from the M8 as yet.
  2. Thanks for the all the excellent advice.


    I think i will go for the CM althought the improvements over the Minilux seem minor they add up to be significant.


    I'm also wondering if there is a significant quality drop between the standard lens and the zoom.

  3. Not as good as your first one Andy and it has blown highlights which i'm told is mostly a problem of digital photography. Thanks for posting both so i could compare.


    I'm wondering if color film has a greater tonal range than BW film.

  4. How do you tell anything from these small low quality shots on this forum?


    A person called Jonathan claimed he could when he looked at a pic by Ray on another posting. He was very sure about it when he was told it was a Leica pic. It seems that others on this posting were equally sure when they were told it was a Leica pic.


    They have become very upset when they realized they have been duped.

  5. Joseph i'm not much of a photographer still on a big learning curve but i don't consider you much of a photographer either. People like us should really try to keep our mouths shut and try to learn something. Being ill mannered to other people about their work is not helpful to ourselves or anyone else.


    Hot air comes from two orifices try to use the correct one.

  6. A friend of a friend of mine who's friend of a pro shooter told my friend he had got 269,000 exposures out of a 10D before he junked it. He also claimed he got 598,000 exposures out of a D100 before it went the same way. I cannot verify the truth of these statements.
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