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Image Comments posted by richard_h._weiner


    Photographically: Your placement of the huddle to left of center and with those other players looking right is good. Focus and exposure is also bang on. The only failure is that vertically it needs work. Too much foreground, cutting off of heads. Being an action shot sometimes you don't notice this until after releasing the shutter...or when the film is developed. Good effort!!
  1. Great attempt...considering how far south you are it's true that they don't tend to show up there. I do find difficulty seeing them clearly...I have to go on memory of what the Northern Lights look like to get a truer sense of them in the photograph. One thing I do like is the overall red hue...quite dramatic. But I was wondering what the white spots (very visible in the Large view) are? Dust? Stars?


    We've seen lots of great shots of Kerri...this is not one of them. I agree with what the other said and add that as I look at this portrait if I were to place a mirror vertically on her face bisecting it there would be 2 Kerris there. The other images I've seen show a better symmetry to Kerry. Perhaps it's the tilt of her head? I don't know. However this portrait is below your 'standard'.



    Great image...love the simplicity and muted color scheme. One suggestion, try cropping your sky so it's one third of the image. This will make it a panaromic view but it's stronger that way.

  2. That is my primary comment I would have on this great shot. As they are the beads look a bit too fake. Perhaps some 'hand colouring' on them would make them not so garish?


    The only other comment I would make is that there is some blow out on her forehead and ears. Perhaps a bit more attention to those areas also.


    Look out Bo...[grin].

  3. Jamie, you have the makings of an interesting image with a bit of improvement.


    What was the shutter speed on this? Whatever it was did a good job of blurring the hands. You might want to try playing a bit slower to get a bit more detail on the hands or else try capturing them still for a split moment before playing.


    You also might want to use a tripod for another attempt...the piano is blurred. Had it been in focus this image would have been a lot stronger.


    I commend you on your attempt but reserve rating this one.

    Rate me

    ...that's who I thought of right away. Very 'Dirty 30's'ish. The only thing that retracts from the image is the sheen from the finger nails. Polish? Great image.



    ...please explain your technique.


    I love the 'graphic' feel to this image but disagree with the previous viewer regarding the inclusion of color...keep it as it is. One suggestion though try a different color for the eyes.

  4. ...while the symmetry is a bit much the railing on one side and the ?plaque? on the right break the monotony. I do like the contrast in colors (red/blue). Perhaps a bit more on top? But, worthy of being hung on the wall.
  5. This image has great qualities about it...I'd commend Vivitar on this camera. Yes it's obvious that the focus falls off very quickly but for this setting, this subject, it works. I really like the rusty red foreground and bluish foggy background. Well done.


    ...perhaps cropped a bit too tight? I'd also suggest a bit wider DOF...it's a bit disconcerting. This looks like a setup so you should be able to try a few different stops to see what you get. Like the red ribbon though...nice touch.

    love three


    Of all your 'Love' images this one is the best of the lot. Story is told in simplest of manners with the least distractions. Technically: spot on.

    But...(sorry)...seen this pose before in a ?cologne? ad. Imitation is sincere flattery and is a great learning tool as well.

  6. Living in North Van I've been out to Deep Cove a few times and the lighting there in the harbour is very difficult to capture because the mountains ringing this sheltered area cut the sun early. This is a good attempt but very much a 'postcard' shot. However there seems to be some interesting areas of detail that you could probably focus on. Try cropping out individual areas and see what you come up with. I'm sure you will find more pleasing images inside.

    Grainy Kate M.

    What did you do to get her PO'd at you? And putting this non-flattering image of Kate on the Internet is !really! not going to help, either. LOL. Good Luck explaining your actions...

    Tree in Bryce

    You originally asked if the tree is too dark...it is a bit too dark. If you could have gotten a bit of light reflected back onto the trunk that might have helped. A fill flash in this case would have been too much. Still it's a great attempt and a good image. Can you get back there?
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